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Editorial: A "blip" or an alarm bell for the GOP?
We have an strong opinion that Senator Bob Smith (R-NH), a stalwart pro-life supporter, leaving the Republican Party ought to ring an alarm bell for the GOP. Instead, many of those claiming to be GOP "pro-lifers" are saying it won't matter, "it's just a "blip." Who are they kidding? Like it or not, Senator Smith will provide a rallying point for the grassroot pro-lifers who resent the wishy-washy statements about pro-life issues coming out of Republican leadership. This writer's opinion says that the resentment will be aggravated by selecting as a vice-presidential GOP nominee one of these so-called "pro-life" politicians such as campaigned for the re-election of pro-abortion Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (R-NJ); for example, Rep. John Kiesak(ph) (R-OH) or Gov. John Engler (R-Michigan). The pro-life crowd seems to be fed-up with GOP weakness and appointments of pro-abortion Supreme Court justices such as David Suitor(ph). No, Jim Nicholson of the RNC, that's not a blip, it's a fire alarm bell that is clanging.
One Writer's Opinion!