Energy, it all comes down to that. Energy is with in every one and every thing. It is what moves the earth, stars and universe. It is within every living creature, it is our soul.
By no means think this is a religios subject. I believe in the Energy within. I believe that we can all channel this energy to do great things or bad ones. And that we as people are in control of how our individual energy is spent.
One of my mottos in life is: "Be as Positive as you can, avoid all Negative when possible, and stay Neutral when needed". What does all this mean? Simply that we must try to be positive and attract posive energy in order to enrich our lives. Obviously Negative energy also plays an important factor, because without one the other would not exist. It also helps us to keep focussed in what is really important for us.
One of the most important things in life is to find and be with the man/woman of our dreams. Using Positive energy one can accomplish this and more.
FIRST: You must be very honest with yourself and really think about what kind of person would be for you. Remember that this list should include the following items: "Things that are a must. Things that are a plus. Things that are tolerable. Things that are not." Now based on that you must use your energy to find that person. SECOND: Understand that you might find someone that meets your requirements, but the possibility exists that you might fulfill there's. Don't get discourage. The right person will come. THIRD: When you have found such person, teach them and at the same time learn how to channel their energy within. Now how can this help you become sensual? Well believe it or not. Our energy is what permits us to be sensual, sexual, loving, etc. Think about it, for your to have great sex, you must have sensuality. Our society is based on relationships. One of them is a sexual relationship between couples. This is specially important to males, since they are exterior beings. Women are interior beings, and emotions are more important for them. Together they create a natural balance, exterior-interior, sexual-emotional, one without the other would not exist. In the same token, sex would not exist as something pleasant without sensuality, which equals emotions.
Whe must make it a point to draw our energies to be more sensual, more giving, more loving during the beginning of love making, we must center the energy and transfer it to our lover through our fingertips as we so gently trace their body. This energy will make a full circle between the two of you, you will it to him/her, and it comes back to you, with more force, with more current.
The sharing of energy will ignite every fiber of your body and finds it's way to your very core. Your brain will explode in exstacy as the electricity flows through it. The intensity will grow until this sensual passion turns into a sexual frenzy. Sex then will be great!
And after the storm has passed, the stillness will return, and wrapped in each others arms you can run away together to the blessed land of dreams. So don't be afraid to use your inner energy, channel it into the best sensual love making sexual frenzy you have ever experienced. Your lover will thank you.
Next chapter:
(I am still working on it, please check back next month.)
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