Men, I would like to share with you my thoughts of why I believe that our relationships are not working. I no way am I trying to undermind your feelings or thoughts.
As far as I can see, in the last years, women have been uprising in every sense of the word. But I personally can't stand with them in all counts. I believe a woman should always be a woman, and never give that up. We women should be able to liberate our minds but nothing more. Women have been hurting the delicate balance that nature intented between men and women.
First, I know that a sexual relantionship is important, but guys, please, take in consideration that we women are interior creatures, so our feelings and thoughts play a big role in all of this. Thus needing to be acknowledged by you and your kind... MEN.
I know that many women have been slacking in their jobs of being the woman of the relantionship and negleting some escencial duties, ei., all the little, trivial things you men hate to take care of; adding some fantazy and spice to your sexual relantionship making it different and exciting; taking care of themselves after having your children; and the understanding that you are a creature that has been taught to make it no matter what, climb the financial ladder.
But, now in the 90's women play a big part in the financial aspect of the relationship, to the point that without her financial help the household would not survive. Because of this she is over worked. Now we have to help you guys with the "killing of the dinaousour" on top of all the other responsibilities we have already.
So because of this, you should realize that now you must help when it comes to the more traditional jobs corresponding to women. Like helping in the kitchen, helping with the children, and not just entertaining them, but cleaning after them, helping them with their homework, etc. Now remember that the union is the strength, and together you can be invencible.
This was the easy part boys. The difficult part is to entune with that beautiful woman you have at your side. We are governed by the moon, we cycle the same way, every 28 days a new cycle begins. Your job is to try to understand these cycles and when and how they are produced.
You can use for the begining of the cycle the onset of our montly torment, our period. Notice that during this time we are somewhat relieved yet irritated? Well, let me tell you that riding the body of such "thing" sometimes is no easy task on us. So gives us a break. Try to be more sensitive to this curse God bestowed on us, it could have been you men. Then once we are done with this part of the cycle, or emotions level out and we feel slim and graceful once again. This is a good time to talk about worries, and/or small problems of any nature. This is a good time to endulge in each other's body and use the techniques mentioned in previous chapters.
Then our cycle goes on a peak on or about the 14th day of the onset of the cycle. This is when our bodies say, we are ready to become pregnant. Our hormone levels are high, it is mating time. Of course in the 21st century the wild does not govern, but our emotions are governed by our cycle. We are pumped in the zenit of this cycle and it is a good time for major problems to be taken care of, to go out and confront the world if necessary. Also it is a good time to have a romantic weekeend get away, no kids of couse.
Then as the dreaded day of the new cycle approches our bodies notice that we are not pregnant, therefore signaling the uterus to discard all of the blood and nutrients that would have been the placenta. So we start getting cranky, moody, we want stuff, we become irrational, even sometimes histerical. But, guys, give us a break, be sensitive and understanding. Tell your woman that she looks terrific. When she complains that she is looking fat like a cow, or that she feels blowded, tell her right away that she only feels that way, but in reality she looks just as fine as the first day you met.
You might think this is crazy, but believe me fellows, if you can start by learning this about your gal, well you just might have some hope. Remember also that we are governed by our heart, then our mind. You guys are governed by your mind then your heart. Making it sometimes very difficult to understand each other and what we are trying to communicate. You have to be willing to show that you can put your heart first at times and make us feel like you indeed love us. You must be able to use smart words to cheer us up.
Give it a try, this is not hard to do. Notice the changes that your mate undergoes each 28 days, keep a log if necessary, then you will be able to avoid certain times it is just best to let go. And take advantage of the times when the mood is just right. Become a sensitive male. I promise it won't hurt.
Look inside of you and let your heart show a little. Because now you are not alone in the race to make it to the top. We women are where we have always been, at your side, except that now we are working even harder. Acknowledge this, and you will be able to understand us better than you think. Then you can apply you learnings to your relationship and perhaps make it the best it has ever been. Both you and her will be extremely happy that you, as a sensitive man took the initiative to make what you have a even better thing.
The woman of the 90's needs a sensitive man at her side. And a sensitive man needs a woman that can be sensual. So in essence, bring our sensuality out with you sensitivity. I promise it will work. Enjoy your woman to the fullest and never stop being a "sensitive man", it will pay off.
Next chapter will be:
Complementing each others worlds.
We should all make the best of our unions.
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