Have you ever heard the expression: "Now you are one..."? What is that supose to mean? That one is more important than the other? Is that why our divorce rate is so high?
I must confese that in my personal life, I married for the wrong reasons. Thus making the relationship doomed from the start. Sometimes we have circumstances in our lives that we use as excuses to make decisions against our better judgement. Unfortunately we all begin by believing that we can change the person we are with, and find out the hard way that we were wrong and that we should have listened to instint.
Unions are made each day, unions are disolved each day. And I believe the problem starts with "and now you are one". Why? Because each of us is a independent world. We all have are good and bad, escencially we are the same, yet we are different.
The point I am trying to make is, we must make the best of our union. We have the duty to make sure that the person we intent to merge with has a vast part of them that is extremely similar to us. In other words. Each of us have intereses, disires and needs. The best union is when we can find someone that is similar to us, someone we can share a vast part of ourselves with in a common ground.
The rest of our world belongs to each one of us. The part of your world that is not similar, is the part that makes you different to any one else. Don't give it up. The idea is to complement each others worlds while conquering our own.
In an ideal situation, we want to be able to share hobbies, favorite places and/or things. We can be capable of being open to the other and at least listen to things that maybe to you are not important, but for your mate they are. And finally we should be able to work on our personal goals, while being suportive of the goals of your partner.
Yes our partner. A separate world. Acknowledge this fact and many things will change for the better. Make the best out of your union. Understand that no matter how much we love each other, there will always be diferential in opinions that must not be taken personally and certainly must be worked out. And at the same time there will be times when both of you are both in total accordance.
So knowing that only a part of us will succesfully merge with another. Then I believe we should try to not take things personal, not get angry and try your best to be supportive. Yes you can express your opinions, but you must never force your way. Eventually things will break up. We have to be together simply because we want to, not because is the best thing right now, or some other excuse.
If you are single, pick wisely. Remember the more things in common the bigger the merger will be. Find someone that already likes things you like, someone that will complement your world, rather than stress it. You deserve to be happy.
Next chapter will be:
Channel your inner Energy.
Tools to become a sensual partner.
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