Virtual partner

Can this type of relationship survive?

It is the sixth month, of the seventh year, of the twenty first century and, the concept of a relationship has completely changed, it has taken many twists and turns. Distances are no longer an issue. Thanks to the technological revolution, we can keep in touch with someone that is miles apart. Actually, anywhere in the globe, no matter if there is an ocean in between, like in my case.

Can sensuality be transmited via Internet? I think it can be. I am living this experience.

I have been fortunate enough to meet a very special someone. A man whom I will address by his loving nickname, given by me, "rabbit", who one day contacted me through I know, many of you will feel skeptical about the whole situation, but, in defense, I must say, that the Internet allows one to know a potential mate, life partner, husband/wife, in an emotional level, an intelectual way, as the communication continues to floruish, back and forth, with no physical contact!

In the old days, a person would meet another and, instantly feel a charge, or not. Now a days, this charge is transmitted through words, and not through sight. Dozens of people may contact you through any of the hundreds of sites in the Internet, so one has to carefully read between the lines and assess each situation in particular.

Traditionally, sensuality, is directly linked to the senses of perception, which are sight, sound, taste and touch, however, in modern times, it has transgressed to the mind. After all, sensuality is a perception of the brain, something the mind understands as so. Therefore, it can also be transmitted through words, which are a reflection of character, a mirror to ones emotions, ones soul.

As the world gets smaller and technology advances, we must accept that it has become a vital tool in finding a mate. We can no longer snob it off believing that the only way is through direct physical contact. Thank God for the Internet.

My suggestion, as one of the chapters to the Guide of Sensuality, is to embrace it, to try it, to enjoy meeting people from all over the globe. Be wise and choose your friends carefully, just as it has always been. Be true to yourself. Be who you really are, and based on that, accept or reject those that may contact you, but do not shun it, because, believe me, you may be surprised!

Rabbit is a great man, a person that has sparked my interest in many ways. He is someone that I can seriously consider a potential mate for life, among so many, that all they wanted was something superficial. He is an amazing person, a person that has made me feel alive, who regardless if I am lucky enough to meet in person, has sparked the fire in my soul!

My advice is to try it. You may be surprised! Sensuality is of the mind, not only the body. All I know is that I have been fortunate enough to find a very special man who lives in a different continent and makes me shine!

Writen July 2007

The Lost Sense of Touch
How to Kiss the Face of your Angel
Communicating without Words
How to be a sensual Woman
Become a sensitive male
Complementing each others worlds
Channel your inner energy
Finding your lost love
Guilty by omission