Beyond this world of time and space;
Sophia stands alone...
complete and whole unto Herself.
Sophia is not anything
or anybody
She just is.
Sophia is pure unconditioned Existence...
the Essence, or Nature, of all that lives.
In Her Essence,
Sophia is pure Virgin Consciousness.
No thought,
or conceptualization
can touch or fragment Her.
This is why She is eternally Virgin.
Ultimately, Sophia is Marie,
the infinite and uncreated Ocean of Life (Zoe)
in which all creatures are grounded.
Is there anyone
who can conceive,
or grasp
Infinite Life,
Infinite Being,
and Infinite Wisdom?
In Her ground,
Sophia is nothing at all.
She is the primordial Abyss
existing before God.
Though She is nothing,
Sophia contains the All
in Her womb composed of pure Consciousness/Energy.
Ultimately, Sophia is the Hindu Ananda;
meaning Being, Consciousness and Bliss.
She is the Christian Jerusalem,
the City of Peace
appearing at the end of time
as the Bride of Lord Jesus.
When is the end of time?
Where is Ananda?
The end of time
is the realization and experience
of Timeless Consciousness.
The end of time is the Eternal Now.
This is Ananda.
This is Sophia.
Call this what you will,
for Sophia experienced,
will be found as Lao Tzu's Nameless Tao.
Even the names Sophia, Ananda, and Tao will dissolve into dust.
Why is Sophia nameless?
Because She is beyond all thoughts
and conceptualizations.
She is the Absolute and undivided Brahmin
to Whom
Thought goeth not.

I am the author of
Sophia's Web:
Understanding the Unity and Diversity
of Religion, Science and Ourselves.

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