Nature as Sophia
 Heart Goddess by Dhyana Mackenzie
A soft yet deep pink saturates a layer of clouds to the northeast of my bedroom window. The sun and earth play together in creating a morning spectacle. Humans call the spectacle a sunrise. I call it a birth. The pink play of sunlight on soft, surreal clouds tells me the birth is that of a girl. Her name is Dawn.
Nature is an artist. She is Creativity. The creativity by which I form these words in my mind’s womb is the same creativity by which women give birth to children and Nature generates a sunrise, an Earth and a lover Sun. This is why these ideas are said to dawn on me. Dawn lives within as She lives without.
Ancients believed all the Goddess manifestations of Nature to be weavers. The threads She spins link all events. The process by which a child emerges from the dark, watery depths of his mother’s body links to the birth of the Sun in the morning, which also links to the emergence of ideas that dawn from the dark depths of my mind into the light of manifestation. These are different manifestations of one event. “Hear ye Israel, the Lord thy God is one!”
A fetus forms and newly emerging cells begin talking to other cells. A body weaves itself from a deeply engrained knowledge of the Earth’s history. The developing fetus appears as a fish, a snake and even a Kuala Bear. The baby’s body has knowledge of all the past stages of human evolution and is all those stages in potential. All of creation’s history is in us. Indeed, I think, the body has been all creatures and in some mystical sense has never died. An entire universe incarnates in every one of us.
The Goddess is not an external weaver. She weaves from the inside out, from center to periphery. We tend to think of evolution as a historical process that is progressive. Yet, the ancient meaning of the term evolve is to unfold. It is to unfold the potential that is within each of us. This also reflects the original meaning of education, to bring forth. To educate is to evolve.
I am pregnant with the universe. In each cell of my body the history of the universe is written in totality. My body knows everything. The thoughts arising from my mind are nothing new. They are ancient repeats of the past and are reborn through me. I embody Woman. I receive and I give birth. There is nothing new under the Sun or within me.
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I am the author of
Sophia's Web: Understanding the Unity and Diversity of Religion, Science and Ourselves.

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