We are Lovers

Look into the depths of your mind and experience Sophia’s emptiness. This emptiness is a womb much as space is a womb to the sun and the stars or as the ocean is to the fish in the sea. Within this emptiness there is a sea of infinite possibilities. The mind is full of eggs awaiting their mystic lover to kiss them into an awakening. Perhaps this is the meaning of the Sleeping Beauty myths? I stop and ponder my Lover. Who is He? An answer erupts out of nowhere. My Lover is none other than life’s experiences, thoughts, and the thoughts of others. I devour life and am pregnant with love.
When I write, I am creating from within myself. I am giving birth to what has been forming within me. What I give birth to will enter into the Soul of the recipient reader and initiate an insight or a reaction. In my mind’s eye, the reader is the mother to our child in that my words are seminal in unlocking potential (e.g., insights) within him or her, which is then born from the depths of his or her mind. Our child will not be my words imposed on the reader. Our son will not be a clone of my thoughts. Rather, he will be a combination of the reader’s psyche as well as my own. He shall have a life of his own, in our image.
Life is about procreation. The process of life is intercourse. Intercourse is The Way. By saying The Way, I am not saying that it should be followed as one follows a republican or a democrat or a God. In saying intercourse is The Way I am saying that intercourse is The Process. It is in this very same way that I believe Jesus, incarnate Eros and Sophia, is known as The Way or that Lao Tzu describes the infamous interactions of Yin and Yang in Tao as The Way.
If we meditate on The Way then the whole world will open up to us as an expression of Love. The Sun is not a “thing” hanging out in His womb of space. Rather, He is a Lover of Earth and, ultimately, you.
What are these words, anyway, if not your lover? Take them within yourself. Ponder them. Eat them. They are food for thought. Semen is food as both are devoured to serve as initiators to unlocking potential. Even if you disagree with these ideas you are still absorbing them and giving birth, I am still a father, and we are still co-creators in love.

I am the author of
Sophia's Web: Understanding the Unity and Diversity of Religion, Science and Ourselves.

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