Your Tasks

1. Alta Vista Translation Service.  As you begin your research, use the
    web sites that have been provided for you.  At times you may encounter
    Spanish words, phrases and sentences that you don’t understand.  Copy
    those words, phrases or sentences (using Ctrl-C) and go to the Alta
    Vista Translation Service site and paste them in and click on

        a. You should keep track of these words, phrases, and sentences
            that you have translated, along with their translations in your
            research journal (use cut and paste and have the journal in

            Microsoft Word).

        b. You should have the paraprofessional (or your Spanish

            teacher) check them for accuracy during her visit to your

            classroom.  (We have a paraprofessional who is a native Spanish

            speaker who works with each of our general education
            classes two times each week.)  You will be evaluated on this part of

            your task using the rubric in the evaluation section titled

            Research Journals--Alta Vista Translations

2. Research Journals. Each employee is required to keep a “research
    journal” with an entry for each time that this project is being worked on.
    These journals are to be kept using Microsoft Word.  Journals will be
    assessed using the Information Skills Rating Scale found under
    Research Journals in the evaluation section.  Review this rubric
    carefully and apply the parts of this research model in your

3. Research questions.  Your CEO (teacher) will assign each employee
    to a group of 3-5 employees.   Each group of employees will carry out
    the research requested in one of the six research questions. The CEO
    will facilitate the assigning of the questions to the groups.)  The research
    is to be done using the information found at the websites listed under
    Websites for Mexico Study in the resources section. You will be
    evaluated on how well you cooperate and share the work load in your
    group work and how well you participate in the final presentation. See

    these rubrics in the evaluation section.

4. Website Evaluation.

    Evaluate two of the websites that you use for this project. Each group

    member will fill out Kathleen Schrock’s Critical Evaluation Survey for at least 2 of

    the websites you have visited.  One site should be one that you
    thought was really helpful and one site should be one you
    thought was not helpful.   These evaluations will be turned in and used
    for a large group discussion topic.

5. Final Report. Each small group will present a final report in the large
    group to the CEO before it can be presented to the group of employees
    who are to be asked to consider moving.

6. Final Report Essays. Each employee will be required to submit a final
    report essay which contains all of the information under the Response

    Section part of each of the research questions.  You will be evaluated on

    this part of your task using the rubric in the evaluation section titled

    Final Report Essays.

 Introduction                                Your Tasks                                Research Questions
Resources                                   Evaluation                                Conclusion

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