
        Imagine this:  All of the students in your class work for a large

American owned company which has historically been successful doing

business domestically (in the United States).  Your CEO (Chief Executive

Officer) schedules a meeting to meet with a select group of employees

to discuss a new business opportunity. The students in your class

represent that entire group of selected employees.  She has named your

group the Cultural Advisory Group.

        She and her Financial Advisory Group, another employee group, have

been researching the possibility of expanding the business into Mexico and

they have concluded that this would be an extremely profitable opportunity

for the business and that they would like to pursue this opportunity.  There

is one hitch however:  for the idea to work, the Financial Advisory Group

believes that they must move a group of 30 employees and their families to

Mexico for at least five years to get the business up and running and they

need help to convince 30 employees (and their families) to make such a

move.  Here is where the CEO needs help from Cultural Advisory Group.

        She obviously understands the business and financial climate in

Mexico, but she knows very little else about Mexico.  She needs to have

“life in Mexico” researched and presented to the 30 employees and their

families to help to convince them to make the move.  The Financial

Advisory Group has decided that one of two locations will work: the city of

Puebla in the state of Puebla or the adjoining cities of Ixtapa & Zihuatanejo

in the state of Guerrero. They would like input from the Cultural Advisory

Group on which city might be the best to live in.

        It is important to note that the 30 employees will be asked to live

among the Mexican people and will be expected to develop a deep

understanding of the Mexican language and culture because they will be

working with Mexican people and teaching them about “the business”.

The more relevant the information is that you provide for them, the better

they will be prepared.  Let's get started!

Introduction                                Your Tasks                                Research Questions

Resources                                   Evaluation                                Conclusion

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