   WebQuest Project Rubrics

    Research Journals
    this was adapted from the Information Skills Rating Scale, copyright:
    The Oak Harbor Schools, Washington and Jamie McKenzie

    1. Questioning
    A researcher recognizes decisions, issues and problems when looking
    at a topic.
    4 - Discovers independently an issue or problem which needs a
    decision or solution after exploring a topic
    3 – Discovers an issue or problem which needs a decision or solution
    after exploring a topic and discussing it with peers.
    2 - Formulates questions about topics with adult help to elevate the
    question to focus on issues and problems
    1 - Relies upon adults to state questions and topics

    2. Planning
    A researcher identifies sources of information likely to build

    4 - Selects high quality sources independently and efficiently
    3 – Selects quality sources after discussing it with peers.
    2 - Selects sources with mixed success
    1 - Wanders from source to source without questioning which source
    will be most helpful

    3. Gathering
    A researcher collects and stores information for later consideration.
    4 - Collects and organizes important information for retrieval
    3 - Collects and organizes important information but relies on peer
    assistance in retrieving it.
    2 - Collects important information with some degree of organization
    but relies on adult assistance in retrieving it.
    1 - Loses track of most important information

    4. Sorting
    A researcher reorganizes information so that the most valuable
    becomes readily available to support understanding.

    4 - Organizes all information to create structure which provides a
    coherent and clear focus
    3 - Organizes all information to create structure which provides a
    somewhat clear focus
    2 - Organizes part of information with no clear focus
    1 - Leaves information as gathered

    5. Synthesizing
    A researcher recombines information to develop decisions and solutions.
    4 - Creates an original decision or solution
    3 - Creates a decision or solution after discussing it with peers.
    2 - Reorganizes and combines strategies of others
    1 - Restates the decisions and solutions of others

    6. Evaluating
    A researcher determines whether the information gathered is sufficient to
    support a conclusion.

    4 - Thoroughly tests solutions and decisions to see if supporting
    information is adequate and gathers more information as needed.
    3 - Tests some solutions and/or decisions to see if supporting
    information is adequate
    2 - Looks for missing information
    1 - Reaches a hasty conclusion

    7. Reporting
    A researcher translates findings into a persuasive, instructive, or
    effective product(s).
    4 - Creates and presents an original product which very effectively
    addresses original problem or issues
    3 - Creates and presents an original product which effectively
    addresses the original problem or issues
    2 - Provides a product which offers some insight with regard to the
    original problem or issues
    1 - Shares the work or thoughts of others

    Research Journal—Alta Vista Translation
    4 - At least 10 entries are entered in the journal with the
    paraprofessional’s comments.
    3 - At least 8 entries are entered in the journal with the
    paraprofessional’s comments.
    2 - Some entries are entered in the journal with the paraprofessional’s
    1 – Some entries are entered in the journal with no paraprofessional’s

   Group Work
    1. Cooperation
        4 –Continuous and excellent cooperation.  Cooperation grew and
        developed as the work progressed allowing creative and productive
        work to occur.
        3 – Most of the time evidence of cooperation was observable and
        progress was fairly constant.
        2 – Occasional conflicts were observed that resulted in lack of
        cooperation that hindered progress.
        1 – No or little cooperation during project.  Conflicts were unresolved.
    2. Shared Work Load
        4 - Everyone in our group helped search and encouraged others to
        do their best.
        3 - All group members helped gather information from the Web sites.
        2 - A few of us did most of the searching and the others helped a little.
        1 - One person did all the searching.

    Final Report Presentation
    4 - Offers a fair amount of important information—all is relevant.
    3 - Offers some information—most is relevant.
    2 - Either gives too little information or information which is not relevant
    to the topic.
    1 – Does not speak during the presentation.

    Final Report Essays
    1. Information
        4 - Essay includes pertinent information from at least 3 sources
        (that are bookmarked in this WebQuest)
        3 - Essay includes pertinent information from at least 2 sources
        2 -.Essay includes pertinent information from one source
        1 - Essay includes little information about the topic and the source is

    2. Organization
        4 - Essay is clear, concise (not short) and organized into paragraphs.
        3 - Essay is well organized into paragraphs and easy to understand.
        2 - Essay is somewhat easy to understand.
        1 - Essay is difficult to understand because it is not well organized.

    3. Punctuation, Grammar and Spelling
        4 – There are no errors in punctuation, grammar or spelling so the
        meaning is clear.
        3 - There are one or two errors in punctuation, grammar or spelling,
        but the meaning is still clear.
        2 - There are three or four errors in punctuation, grammar or spelling,
        making the essay somewhat difficult to understand.
        1 - There are many errors in punctuation, grammar or spelling,
        making the essay very difficult to understand.

   Point Scale for Grading
    A-  50-56  pts
    B- 42-49
    C- 34-41
    Less than 34 points is unacceptable and parts of the project will have
    to be resubmitted.


Introduction                                Your Tasks                                Research Questions
Resources                                   Evaluation                                Conclusion

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