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Business Opportunity for  South Africans Only
Below is a sample of our Newsletter that will be send out to our Subscribers Every week.

Subject : SAIMC Newsletter Week 35/2004
****South African Internet News & Business Opportunity Newsletter

This week Newsletter Includes.............


1. Editor notes and ramblings

2. Article of the week (Will always be some info i.r.o. South Africa)

3. Download stuff of the week (Will be SA Bizz Opportunity orientated)

4. Latest Buzz on the Internet (South Africa & International)

5. Lotto tips and Information (Improve you changes with the Lotto)

6. Webmaster & Website Stuff  (Any stuff that we found worthwhile)

7. South Africans Tell us your story (We can only make this newsletter successful
                                                        with your help)

8. Tell Us What You Think! (Only you can improve this newsletter)


The purpose of this newsletter is to give South African opportunity seekers and other's a vehicle to also make money on the Internet like our international friends. We will be giving you information on business opportunities in South Africa that
really works and tips and tricks on various subjects.
This newsletter is yours and we would like to have input from you on how to improve it and you are welcome to send us articles and information that you would like to share with our fellow South Africans.
If you do not want to receive this newsletter please unsubscribe
at bottom of email. Please note that replying to THIS e-mail will not remove you from the mailing list.
Please pass this newsletter to your friends and associates to read and enjoy. Remember it is your newsletter so lets make the best of it.

Please download this weeks article 45 SUCCESS TIPS in NETWORK
MARKETING from our website, because it is quite lengthy
Download at
This article explains the pro's and con's of network marketing and can help you to know how to build you network and the work involved, before you embark on a networking venture.


This week we would like you to have the bundle of How to reports and
information. use this to give away free to your prospects our members.
 Please download from :


The latest internet information that has hit us and that we think can be of interest to you :
Transform your dialup to faster than broadband and ADSL speeds.
Any PC or MAC with 9,600kbps modem upwards can use juice.
Revolutionary unique technology. Easy to install and simple to use.
Works with any internet connection and modem in any country.
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It costs nothing. Zero! Zip! Nada! It's FREE!
What are you waiting for? Juice up your connection right now!
Go and have a look and sign-up at:
Highly recommend by the members of this newsletter.

This week we will be looking at Lotto wheeling.
A Beginners Look at Wheeling
The 3 if 5 in 12 numbers 2 combinations is the simplest wheel possible
and is created when you buy two tickets with twelve different numbers
between them.
It works like this. . . 
Two tickets. . .

01-02-03-04-05-06 07-08-09-10-11-12
Write down any five numbers from 01-12, three of them have to be found
on one ticket or the other.So, if you have five of the six winning numbers among those on your two tickets, you have to win something.

If you have all six of the winning numbers among those on your two
tickets, you have to win at least two 3#'s.
This is why two tickets are better than one. :-)

This of course works if you replace those 12 numbers with any set of 12
different numbers you think are lucky.

Now, leave those two tickets as they are and buy a 3rd ticket with six
more numbers different from the first two, now it becomes possible for
there to be only two of the winning numbers on each ticket, but there
remains an 86% chance of a 3# win.
You're covering more then a third of the numbers on only 3 tickets and
have a shot at winning something. After 3 tickets there is a sharp drop
off in coverage, 24 numbers is around 50% of a 3# win.

The other way covers fewer numbers, but guarantees a better prize when
you are right, everything remains in balance. See how if you write down
any six numbers between 01-09 you have to find 4 of them on one ticket?

1-2-3-4-5-6 1-2-3-7-8-9 4-5-6-7-8-9

Only 9 numbers on 3 tickets instead of 18, but this set guarantees a
4# winning ticket if all six winning numbers are among the 9 and about
a 63% chance of a 5# win.

01-02-03-04-05-06 01-02-03-07-08-09 04-05-06-07-08-09

01-02-03-10-11-12 04-05-06-10-11-12 07-08-09-10-11-12

Takes 6 tickets to cover 12 numbers, but guarantees a 4# winning ticket
if all six winning numbers are among your twelve. It is also possible
to use six tickets to cover 16 numbers to guarantee a 3# win.

Now, let's take this 4 if 6 in 12 number 6 combination wheel and add a
7th ticket with all different numbers bringing the total up to 18.
We have the 4 if wheel and we have the 86% 3 if wheel, all for a
reasonable price,not bad for only 7 tickets.
This is where the cheap seats end, after this it gets progressively
more expensive to play, but you can play free or play additional
tickets at one of the free lotto games if any use the results from
your country.

The larger wheels and what the article is about, is using wheels like
these that guarantee a 4# win, at the front of larger wheels that
guarantee a 3# win with some savings if they have combinations in
This should work if you pick your own numbers and put the best ones
first where they form a better mini wheel inside the larger and if
not and they fall among the remaining numbers, you still might get
lucky as in the 86% chance.

NEXT TIME ADVANCED WHEELING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is some code you can use for Each listing in the Pulldown Menu
shows a different message in the text box! Give it a try!
Downlaod at :

Think you have a success story worth telling?
Does your online business in South Africa earn you a lot of money per year?
We're currently looking for successful South African online entrepreneurs who want to share their stories with our subscribers in 2004!
There is a lot of South African internet people spending thousands of rands trying to make money on the international business opportunities AND losing a lot of money. Let's get these people to join opportunities in South Africa that pays in SA rands in our bank accounts and let them become financially secure and make a extra rand or two.
If your site is selected to be profiled, you'll not only get the chance to share your triumphs with thousands of eager online business owners, you'll also reap the benefits of a TON of extra traffic as our members browse through your site to learn exactly what you're doing right!

... and tell us a little bit about yourself and your business.

We won't be able to respond directly to everyone who submits
their story, but we promise to review each and every submission
that we receive.

We would love to hear what you think of this issue of the
SAIMC Newsletter Week 35/2004. And of course, if you have any
suggestions for upcoming issues that you'd like to share
with us, please send those, too! We promise that we will publish all articles that is
of value to this newsletter.

Just e-mail the editor at:

Want to read this newsletter online then visit the Homesite
(you will be surprised what else you may find if you go searching through
the site :)

Contact information: please view our privacy policy for the contact email and business address etc.

Saimc News is subsidiary of
This newsletter maybe distributed freely and please do just that so that we can reach all fellow South Africans.

This is not Spam. You are receiving this email because you have given us
permission to contact you and to send you this weekly newsletter.. If you do not wish to receive further such emails, please click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this message. You will receive no further emails.

Disclaimer: All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as any advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions or losses made on investments. Never play more than you can afford to spare on the Lotto.

Copyright 1997-2004 @ SA Internet Marketing & Business Opportunity Centre. All rights reserved.

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