Business Opportunity for
South AfricansOnly CREATE WEALTH .... WORKING
HOW TO JOIN !! We regret: This opportunity is open only to
people residing in the RSA,
18 years old and have a South African Bank account. FOLLOW THESE STEPS.!
and follow the steps on the application form
please use the following details:
Referrer's Name :
Referrer's IFA Number :
or else
contact them for an application form. You will notice that the name of
the Referrer
above will change when you refresh your browsers screen.
This is one of the methods I use to give my down line an equal
change of getting people to
join under them. As soon as you joined your name will also
appear on the list.
Use this shortcut button to go and sign on at the
Company's Website!!
This is your one and only chance to join the best most
stable , long term opportunity South Africa has to offer.
Below are my contact details should you wish to ask me
any questions.
If you would like to join contact me by emailing me
straightaway after the presentation is complete.