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Business Opportunity for  South Africans Only

YOUR CONCERNS and QUESTIONS:                                              

We know your concerns and Questions!
Everyone that starts a new business of their own must have some concerns or questions!.
As we have mentioned, we have been there, done that, got plenty of  T-shirts in the school of hard knocks!
Lost a lot of money joining every business opportunity under the sun especially the one's promising to make millions of dollars.....(You know which ones I am talking about).
We would like to put your mind at ease by addressing some of them below:

If your Question are not listed here please  and we will be happy to answer them personally.

This depends, to a large extent, on your commitment to making a success of your business... The more effort and time you spend on it the quicker your earnings will grow.!! If you simply use the tools and business guide I provide. With my help you CANNOT FAIL.

So far I have not spent a single cent on advertising. There are thousands of free classified ad sites, (if you are going to be doing it online) and there are also many other ways and means of advertising without having to pay hundreds of Rands.
We do believe, however, that there is a place for paid advertising, but we will only embark on that as soon as the business pays for itself.
Our Business Guide will provide you with all these links as well as with other ways to advertise your business virtually without any cost.

We can truthfully say that there aren't any.
We provide the know-how, tools, training, etc., at no cost to our team members.
The company does ask a small administration fee of R10.00 pm, but the support you get back from them for so little is tremendous.!!

One could probably say that about a network business that markets a product that a family only needs ONE of, and that can be passed on from generation to generation. BUT with everything going up these days (petrol price, interest rates), more and more people are looking for ways to earn an extra income - in fact it is almost becoming essential for most people! Also - the number of internet users is forecast to grow to 1 billion by 2007, and 2 billion by 2010. And 70% of all NEW internet users are interested to know if they can earn more money using the internet.
I think that takes care of the saturation problem, doesn't it?

This is not only a opportunity to make money, but your own business that you start and manage according to your needs. Everyone wants his/her own business and be in control of their own income and not working for a Boss.
Everyone needs to save money or provide money for their loved  one's and what better way is to get PAID to do just that what everybody are supposed to do?

I have searched for the right opportunity for a long time, and it eventually "found us".
I have currently been involved now for over a year and still growing. I am here to stay as well as my up line who you can contact at anytime!!!!!
We will also be passing on all the 'what it takes' to our team members.
As an example - you will start your business with ready made marketing material, ready made online training that is automatically forwarded to our entire down line, and so on....
We are also fully aware that your success means our success - so yes -
we can assure you of our tireless commitment to help you succeed - providing you put in the effort needed on your side.

That's OK! You don't need to be! Our marketing system is so simple and easy to follow that even a 13 year old can do it.
You can almost run your business without ever having to speak to a single person! With the aid of technology, your business can be set on auto pilot.
If you join my team, I will share with you, free of charge, our Business Guide, through which I will teach you how to set up your own business, step by step.
With our marketing system, our online support and backup, you are virtually guaranteed to make a success of your business, providing you follow the steps of course.

First of all, pyramid schemes normally have high fees for signing up or for just receiving information. Generally there is no product involved, meaning that the bottom falls out very soon, with only a few people at the top making money before
it crumbles down around them.
(Read more about Pyramid Scheme etc.)
There is no cost to join our Business Opportunity
The company is a reputable
SOUTH AFRICAN company which is registered with both the Direct Selling Association as well as the Direct Marketing Association.
They offer a well respected product which is being advertised on TV right at this moment.

Download the TV screening date/times HERE.

Don't be alarmed, we will literally "cyber-hold" your hand and guide you through
all the steps to achieve this. We'll provide you as a member of our team, with excellent training, on-line tools, a step-by-step business guide, and total support. ALL at no charge, to help you achieve this even IF you really don't know a SINGLE soul who needs to save and could do with some extra income :-)
But "what about the monthly premium while you are finding the 5 - 10 people?!".
Lets be realistic. NOTHING in life that is "worth it" is for free.
BUT you get to decide how much you can afford to start with, and your first premium is only deducted the 1st of the following month (if you sign up after the 15th, only the first of the month thereafter), which gives you plenty of time to get your business going. You also get 30 days to change your mind about wanting to stay with the opportunity or not. That will give you time to build up commission before your 1st payment even comes off.
And our Business Guide will help you to do this!

Remember, that this is an investment for YOUR future.
Not only do you get to save money for unexpected events, you also get the opportunity to have an income of in excess of R10 000 per month! But,
I also thought that I did not have even a R75 per month to invest at first, then I remembered the small change that we put in a bottle every month…  
That’s right, every day after my wife and I have been to the shops, there is always an amount of small change in our purses, that get too heavy to carry around anyway, and a few months ago we started taking this out and putting it into an empty beer mug.

I counted that money and after 3 months of regularly putting our small coins into it (R1, 50c pieces, 20c pieces etc)
I had accumulated almost R300 in there! Now I count the money on a regular basis, and almost every month I have more than R70 in the mug!
That is the money that I use for this opportunity, and you can do the same!
That way it does not even have to come out of your own pocket. Save the money everyday like we do, and you will not even notice it!

Important to note -THIS IS NOT A PYRAMID SCHEME - this is a network system.
(Read more about Pyramid Scheme etc.)
If you put more effort into your business than someone "above" you, you will eventually 'out'-earn them. (It often happens)
This is networking but very simple to run.
That you will see for yourself soon enough!.
(Networks have a fixed number of levels - the earnings in this program stops at
the 6th level.)

Also remember, that with our amazing business guide that teaches you how to set up your own successful business (even if you hate selling!) you can soon be receiving an amazing income, FOR LIFE!

Read here some of our Members Testamonials!!!


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