Allot of people's send me E-mails asking where to go on there trip to Verdun.
That is why i have made this directory i made a list of interesting places to visit and a list
of books you can use as a battlefield guide.
Fort douaumont
The biggest fort in Verdun and the one were most fighting was.
real nice to see you can go inside at a very low price it's worth going to
Fort Vaux
Another fort but a little smaller then douaumont you can visit the fort from the inside as wel.
Memorial de Verdun
A very nice museum about the battle of verdun has lots of ww1 uniforms and equiptment.
they also have a nice movie about the battle.
The Citadelle
This is more in the center of the town of Verdun.
this is an fortress from around 1800 wich was used as a hospital and a command post.
They have a great tour where you sit in a sort of car and go past all the rooms in the rooms is
a sort of hologram video presentation so it looks like they are in the room with you.
The Ossuaire.
This is the place where all the bones both french and german are that where not identified.
the Ossuaire is oppesite to one of the biggest cemetery's of verdun huge fields with crosses
go there to honour the fallen soldiers.