posted by webmaster.
i added a link to the link page
i haven't been abble to update the site in
a while this will change again will have some new pictures up soon
The guest-book is up again
I lost allot of the adresses for the mailing list there for i would like to ask you
to re-apply
posted by webmaster.
I added the picture site for mort homme.
posted by webmaster.
I added the picture site for Ouvarge the froideterre.
posted by webmaster.
A new page is online "Where to go in verdun"
This page discribes a couple of places in Verdun worth going to on a visit.
The new design had some problems in the start but i believe that they are all solved now.
If you find any problems please mail them to me.
posted by the webmaster.
The new design is finally up, almost al the links are working.
I am sorry if you have mailed me the last 2 months i could not mail you back.
because i have had some computer trouble and i went to verdun for 3 and a half weeks.
but i am back so i will try to mail you anyway.
The pictures of my latest verdun travel will be on real soon check regulaly.