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Verdun has a very rich history with the verdun treaty en especially the battle of Verdun that took place in 1916.

The battlefields where these terrible battles took place were left alone by France except for the plantation of trees (that had all been whipped out in the battle) This means that unlike the Somme and leper etc the battlefield is not turned into farmers fields and industrial area's.

The battle has left allot of scars on the battlefield the ground is like a moon landscape because of all the craters made by bombs etc.

Most of the trench systems are still visible like ditches sometimes man deep. There is barbedwhire everywhere and the ground is full with rusted bombshells and other debris like bullets, pieces of uniforms and even bones. Every year a handful of peoples die in verdun because of all the explosives. So be very careful a common misconception is that after 80 years they are no longer dangerous this a not true in fact they have become unstable there fore even more dangerous even a rifle bullet is dangerous so be careful.

and it is also illegal to take anything from the battlefield you can be charged with:

illegal archaeology

possession of illegal explosives and theft














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