What is Oreo?
Oreo is our cat. Well, he started off as my (Reneé’s) cat, but Chris has grown to equally love him. I adopted him five years ago because I thought it would be fun to have a little friend. Well, it is most of the time. He has been there through some rough times in my life, and I in his, but he never seems to remember those when he is relieving himself on our beanbag. We can’t exactly blame him for his bathroom habits. Cats like stability, and so far Oreo has lived in seven different places with eight different roommates, two being rowdy dogs.
Oreo is a pretty typical cat. He sleeps all the time, usually somewhere in our way. He doesn’t like to be picked up, or brushed, or played with, or chased, or followed, but overall we have a great time pretending like we know what he is thinking, and just watching him play with his little stuffed mice.
If anyone has any advice on how to get Oreo to use his litter box every time please feel free to e-mail me at rmhoemmelmeyer@yahoo.com. :)
Check out Oreo's journal.