We plan to organize these by time periods and events so you won't be scrambling around trying to find the picture with you in it. But, for now you'll just have to see what's available. Reneé's Pics Maybe the best picture of us EVER! This was taken 12 hours after we were engaged - 32K My new favorite picture of Reneé. Take notice of the bright shine on her left hand (hard not to) - 35K THE RING (or something like it). Us at Eric's Deli in San José. Here's an oldy, but goody. NetCreate Xmas - 1998. Preliminary thoughts while we're at Rich and Heather's wedding. Classic. One of the first pictures of us together. Us at The Spaghetti Factory in San Diego. Self portaits in San Francisco. Vicinity San Diego Christmas party. It was a harbor cruise. Vicinity Sunnyvale Christmas party in San Francisco. Surprised Né. Né close up. Né hitting up the makeup parlor. Chris' Pics Chris being attacked by a bear in Monterey - 33K Paying homage to a rock legend at the Hard Rock in Las Vegas - 31K Sally and Jack Skellington. A picture Reneé hates. This was a picture taken shortly after we met. Oreo's Pics I have the biggest bowl of water of all cats. Jealous? - 19K Chillin' - 13K Me judging Chris on his technique. Me and Reneé at the computer.
We plan to organize these by time periods and events so you won't be scrambling around trying to find the picture with you in it. But, for now you'll just have to see what's available.
Reneé's Pics
Chris' Pics
Oreo's Pics