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"Come on in, and thanks for coming to visit our club."

"I hope you enjoy your visit to Overlander Toastmasters."

"We are all here to have Fun and to help each other learn and grow. This is a mutually supportive educational meeting where all of us can get involved at our own best pace"

"All of us can build our communication and leadership skills."

"Feel free to check out our meeting a few times; and please sign our
after your visit."

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time PM
brief description of duties involved with each positon
7:15 Call to Order Sergeant at Arms opens the meeting
7:16 Chairman makes comments and chairs the meeting
7:20 Invocation or Ispiration a member gives a prayer or special thought
7:21 Grammarian a member provides a word for the day and explains their duties
7:23 Jester a member provides a joke for the day
7:25 Reading a member reads from a book or article of their choice
7:28 Table Topics Master provides an opportunity to practice impromptu speaking
7:43 Table Topics Evaluator Evaluates the main Table Topics speakers
7:46 Business Meeting opportunity to practice parlimentary procedures and to do the business of the club
8:00 Toast a member provides a toast of their choice
;-) BREAK :-) :-) :-) for refreshments and fellowship :-) :-) :-)
8:10 Toastmaster Introduces the prepared speakers and their evaluators
- Speakers Toastmaster members present their prepared speeches to the club. These speeches are based on specifac objectives as set out in our educational manuals.
- Evaluators Each speech is evaluated by one of the members. Through evaluation and practice our communication skills rapidly develop.
8:56 Grammarian gives a report of how often we used the word of the day and also gives a report on our grammer skills.
8:59 Timer all of the evening activities are timed. The timer gives a report of these times.
9:01 General Evaluator a member evaluates the whole meeting and provides a detailed evaluation for the members who have spoken and were not yet evaluated.
9:11 Ah-Um Counter a member records and reports on our use of Ah's, Um's and other such fillers.
9:13 Chairman presents the various awards for the evening and adjourns the meeting.

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