To our Guestbook. Feel free to read through our guestbook's comments and names
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- 10/05/00 02:40:01


Darren Bergeron - 03/09/00 03:29:39
My Email:drb1@direct.ca

I have been interested in partaking in the Toastmasters meetings for quite some time now. I think I will come to a few meetings to see.

Focke - 01/25/00 16:05:59


Pat Fuoco - 09/30/99 22:20:53
My Email:JDFuoco
District: 21
Area: 35
Club #: 1938
Club Name: Overlander

Way to go!!! Nice web site

Mike Forbes - 04/02/99 17:10:42
My Email:mforbes@kamloops.net
Designation (CTM etc): CTM
District: 21
Area: Kamloops
Club #: 1938
Club Name: Overlander Toastmaster's

Yup. It's about time I signed the book. Our webpage is great. The District 21 Conference is soon upon us. We look forward to sharing thoughts and time with all our Toastmaster friends. Come to the Conference May 7,8,9/99 Kamloops is a great place.

Gary McClelland - 01/14/99 05:44:53
My Email:gary_M\mcclelland@bc.sympatico.ca
Designation (CTM etc): CTM
District: 21
Area: 35
Club #: 1938
Club Name: Overlander Toastmasters

As a memeber of Overlander Toastmasters this site does me proud. Excellent work Mark

Sheila Procter, Division C Governor - 01/10/99 19:22:16
My Email:robin_procter@bc.sympatico.ca
Designation (CTM etc): ATM-S
District: 21
Area: 34
Club #: 1929
Club Name: Vernon Toastmasters

Wow! What a terrific site! Great information presented in a clear and attractive format. I like it. Sheila

James B. Mackay - 01/03/99 02:48:05
My Email:jbmackay@transdata.ca
Designation (CTM etc): DTM
District: 60
Division: Northern
Area: 30
Club #: 4537
Club Name: Collingwood Toastmasters

Nice bright page; informative and easily read! =)

Debbie Steele - 12/26/98 22:15:34
My Email:dlsteele
Club Name: Overlander Toastmasters

Happy Holidays! Just stopped in to see what OUR SITE was like and was very impressed and proud to be a member of Overlander ToastMasters!

hello - 12/02/98 09:54:52

just visiting

Erin Williams - 11/07/98 03:38:39
Division: 64
Club Name: P.B.S. Toastmasters

Just came for a visit... looking for some good humour.

Malin - 10/21/98 23:00:59
My URL:/Athens/Styx/6469/
My Email:vp_ed@geocities.com
Designation(CTM etc.): Hope to be CTM before Christmas!!
District: 61
Club #: 7041
Club Name: Westmount Toastmasters

Found this through the Toastmasters Ring!!
Nice web-page you have! I especially like the tips. We also try to have tips. Good idea with the statistics! Please feel free to visit our page as well:
Westmount Toastmasters' Homepage

Malin, VP Ed. Westmount Toastmasters

Vincent Li - 09/27/98 00:50:01
My URL:http://www.toastmasters.bc.ca/clubs/stimulight/
My Email:vinny@vcn.bc.ca
Designation(CTM etc.): CTM
District: 21
Area: 53
Club #: 5449
Club Name: Stimulight

Hey, just stumbled by! Great stuff!

Patricia Kohler - 09/12/98 14:40:57
My Email:friendly@north.island.net
Designation(CTM etc.): Almost CTM
District: 21
Club #: 8165
Club Name: Hardy Toastmasters Club


Donato Navarro - 07/08/98 10:00:59
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~queencity
My Email:donato.navarro@bigfoot.com
Designation(CTM etc.): CTM
District: 75
Area: 21
Club #: 5406
Club Name: Queen City Toastmasters

Surfing through the Toastmasters Ring. Landed in your site! Visit our site too!

Steve Williams - 07/07/98 19:43:10
My URL:http://users.aol.com/lswjr/smtxhpg.htm
My Email:lswjr@aol.com
Designation(CTM etc.): DTM
District: 14
Division: E (Northeast Georgia)
Area: 40
Club #: 4144
Club Name: Stone Mountain Toastmasters

Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia USA, y'all (via the Toastmasters Ring)! Great site. Love the stats and monthly tips. Keep up the good work. :)
Dave Simpson - 05/08/98 16:36:26
My URL:http://omhs.mhd.hr.state.or.us/tnt/
My Email:simpson@wvi.com
Designation(CTM etc.): ATM
Area: Salem, Oregon USA
Club Name: Tuesday Noon Toastmasters

How about posting some of the speeches presented in your club?

Christoph Stoppok - 12/24/97 20:29:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/stoppokC/South.html
My Email:stoppokC@aol.com
Designation(CTM etc.): CTM
Division: none
Area: Europe
Club#: South Berlin and First Berlin
Club Name: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Best regards Christoph

Susan Niven - 12/19/97 20:19:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/6220
My Email:seniven@pro.net
Designation(CTM etc.): DTM
District: 21
Area: 62, 64 & 65
Club#: Speakers Advantage, Aldergrove & Cagey Talkers

Hi Mark - Excellent webpage! Really like your "Tips", and thoroughly enjoyed reading your Guest Book - was pleased to see Christoph's message ... he and I have e-mailed several times about his new club in Berlin! I hope you are enjoying your Area Governor year as m ch as it seems that you are ... and that you are thinking about "exploring the possibilities" re the next step ... Division Governor!

Greg Gale - 12/12/97 07:43:17
My URL:http://www.osg.net/toastmasters
My Email:ggpro@geocities.com
District: 21
Area: 45 (Northern BC)
Club#: Terrace Toastmasters

Great web site! It's nice to visit our fellow toastmasters around the province and around the world.

Christoph Stoppok - 11/10/97 16:04:28
My URL:http://members.aol.com/stoppokC/index.html
My Email:stoppokC@aol.com
Designation(CTM etc.): CTM
Club#: First Berlin Toastmasters Club
Club Name: Hi

Nice to meet you. Visit our homepage. Best regards from Berlin/Germany Christopg

Rob Duncan - 11/07/97 01:34:59
My Email:rduncan@mb.sympatico.ca
Designation(CTM etc.): CTM
District: 64
Area: 21
Club#: 3366
Club Name: Francs-Parleurs

Bonjour! Greetings from the members of Francs-Parleurs, Western Canada's only bilingual (English/French) Toastmasters Club.

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