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Reedin 'n' Ritn 'n' Rithmetic
"...or something like that."

Spring has sprung, a song is sung,
a speech is spoken,
and it's up the ladder another rung.
Why an introduction ?

Why should the speaker be introduced,
especially when the audience already knows the speaker?
- it seperates the speaker, marking the signifigance of the speakers transition from being in the group to being the speaker.
- the listeners will be more appreciative and perceptive if they will understand what the speaker is undertaking, the introduction will help establish the groups "mental set"
- a good introduction makes it clear what special reason the speaker has for speaking about the chosen topic and also that they are speaking with knowledge, experience and authority
- builds a bridge from where the thoughts of the group are, to where the speaker wants their thoughts to be
Important Points to Remember

Do NOT ever, neglect to record and register the presentations or modules you are involved in.

- It is very frustrating to go through all that work and not be able to get the appropriate credit when filing for a higher level of designation.
- the club will miss out on the points of that task
- the applications for different designations are very specifac about certain criteria and what should be on record
- it becomes very confusing trying to remember what you did 2 or more years ago
- it can be almost impossible to go back in time and get the appropriate signatures
- some items have a time deadline as to how long after comppletion they can be registered

More Details to come Soon

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