Titles N-Z
Something I wrote completely out of the blue. Basically about how I dislike the need to have everything artifically created.
[ Natural ]
No Time
We're always rushing about, and that's a fact. Plus, we're always complaining how we never have enough time. Well, this poem addresses that.
[ No Time ]
Inspired from the common question, "Just what exactly is normal?" Just my own feelings and words on the matter.
[ Normal ]
Now and Watching
Something that really seemed to stem out of the random thought of connecting my life to that of the flight of birds.
[ Now and Watching ]
An odd little poem, dealing with what can be seen in the different palms of different people. Not too sure why exactly why I wrote it, but oh well.
[ Palms ]
A short little thing that talks about the nine planets of our solar system
[ Planets ]
Peer Pressure
People are always saying how they're not affected by their peers. However, I, from personal experience, know differently. This poem is almost a warning to those out there who grow too confident in their ability to withstand the flow of society.
[ Peer Pressure ]
Originating off a sermon from church about promises, here's a poem about the same subject, which is also the title.
[ Promises ]
Psychic Abilities
I'm not too sure why I decided to write this one, but it's strange. Meet a girl. She has psychic abilities. But it's a cursed gift.
[ Psychic Abilities ]
My thoughts on books and explains my love of that fabulous hobby, reading.
[ Reading ]
Real Life Drama
For some reason, a statement somebody said particularly hit me. "We do not know our values today. Anything expected to be done is praised as heroism. Anything unexpected is ignored as unsocialistic." This poem came from that, centering on Jesus.
[ Real Life Drama ]
Reality and Dreams
A poem talking about how people tell you that you can't do something you want to, but how in the end persistence will pay off.
[ Reality and Dreams ]
A rather lengthy poem that has me asking a lot of questions, wanting answers, and never getting one from the teacher.
[ Reason ]
A Rose
People think this flower is such a wonderful thing. Well, here's my view of the other side of this simple flower
[ A Rose ]
Shed Our Tears
Yet another dedication to Littleton, though less strongly than that actual poem (found in A-M section). Basically, it wonders at the problems with have with teen shootings.
[ Shed Our Tears ]
Special Bond
Just about as long as "As I Sat on a Swing", it's a mini-story about a boy and a girl and their friendship... as well as talking about friendship in general.
[ Special Bond ]
So She Stood
Another long poem, but it's also considered one of my best from several peers. It's about a girl who discovers what people really feel.
[ So She Stood ]
A poem I wrote when I was at Palm Springs and staring out into the night sky.
[ Stars ]
A completely different style of poetry for me, this deals with exactly what the title proclaims: Stereotypes.
[ Stereotypes ]
Tag Along
Observations concerning how some people just tag along instead of really being accepted into a group of friends.
[ Tag Along ]
This poem is about, well, time! How it rules us, affects us, and drives our every day
[ Time ]
Time and Again
Things are always happening in life over and over again. So much that it really gives credence to the belief that history repeats itself. Some of the repetitions we all could do without, but some of them are things that we all enjoy.
[ Time and Again ]
To Be Wrong
Ever notice how hypocritcal people are sometimes? Or sometimes how we just accept things as they are? Here's my thoughts on the matter.
[ To Be Wrong ]
To Know Everything
What if... you knew everything? Not just facts, but all those dirty secrets and all those mistrustful feelings? That's right, everything. I wouldn't like it. Would you?
[ To Know Everything ]
To Run for Office
Constantly at school, I'm always trying to become an officer in any of the clubs I've joined... yet never make it. Here's my reasoning behind it.
[ To Run for Office ]
Wall Between Us
Sometimes you tell a friend something, and their whole attitude towards you changes. What's going on?
[ Wall Between Us ]
During my recent trip to Yosemite, we had a journaling time besides this waterfall. Then I just couldn't help myself and I wrote this poem about it. It's actually rather simple, but nice.
[ Waterfall ]
What Is...
This poem talks about one's future, their plans, and where they want to journey along the road of life.
[ What Is... ]
What's Inside
This poem talks about how you should never judge a person by what they look like and sometimes how they act like.
[ What's Inside ]
When at Yosemite our group had to hike down to Merced Grove, we were all made to take a solo walk. I was thinking of a lot fo stanzas as I went down, but by the time I reached the bottom, this is all I could remember.
[ Wilderness ]
Winter Nights
At the turn of the season, things were getting cold as winter started to settle in. During an English journaling period, I decided to write about that very topic.
[ Winter Nights ]
Winter's Touch
Pretty long poem that talks about winter, and it's deadly side that can affect so many in our world.
[ Winter's Touch ]
Rather lengthy, it talks about trees. There's also a great deal of capitals on things that don't really need to be capitilized. Oh well.
[ Wonders | (Color Version) ]
This one time, I was thinking about how sometimes, it's so hard to say the things that you want to. And yet, there are those times where words need not be said.
[ Words ]