The Crossroads
- While wandering around this pleasant villa, you have stumbled across a small set of signs, half buried in the snow. Dusting off the light powder, you read the signs, all place to where you can go for a small interim if you desire. However, if you care to depart, please remember this place by bookmarking it. Now, where shall you journey to?
- The National Library of Poetry: A great place to go if you ever want submit your poem for potential publishment. Requirement of 20 lines or less. And, hey, they also have a contest where you could win money...
- Iliad Press: Yet another place you can submit your poem to for a hope of publishment and a prize. As usual, there is a line limit - this time though, it's 30 lines you can write up to.
- Famous Poets Society: Third place of submission for publication/money prize. Like them all, they have a line limit. Here, though, you can have up to 21 lines. Oh, and I believe the spaces inbetween each stanza is considered a line.
- Poetfest: Online poetry webzine, this online site has a quarterly anthology that you can submit any poem to, as long as it deals with the theme. There are also awards there that you can nomiate yourself or someone else for one.
- Rhyming Dictionary: Very very handy item that I used to find drag up some hard to rhyme words... or just words I couldn't think of the right rhyme. All you people who are like me and have rhythm and rhyme in stanzas, bookmark this site!