Depressive Poetry
About Me
A poem I wrote that expresses my feelings on wanting to know why people don't really wish to become my friend.
[ About Me ]
This one talks about how I feel I must stand alone and face my own problems, without any outside help or assistance.
[ Alone ]
Behind the Mask
Too often people aren't willing too judge until it's too late. Can't you simply come out and show your true selves, to show a little care for a person that you know?
[ Behind the Mask ]
Obviously, I wasn't feeling too good when I wrote this. It talks about how much I wish I could just get rid of all my problems by death.
[ Death ]
This poem is a semi depressive one that talks about when will I find the right guy for me, and just what will I have to go through.
[ Destiny ]
I was feeling /very/ bitter about how nothing could ever seem to go right for me. Everything I did right, is wrong. Everything wrong, right. It seemed to rhyme naturally, so yes, it's my usual abcb pattern.
[ Everything ]
Fateful Day
Written when I was still bitter about being made to tell my friend how I felt about him. That's over now, but this poem still stays up.
[ Fateful Day ]
Gossip Pool
This poem is about my anger towards being the center of the local gossip, all because I did one thing that wasn't "normal".
[ Gossip Pool ]
I Am
A free verse poem that talks about what I feel I am when dealing with the society of today.
[ I Am ]
I Wanted to Know
Here's something that deals with my bitter feelings towards what people say behind my back when I manage to find out.
[ I Wanted to Know ]
Look Around
A rather bleak poem, considering what I see too much of in our society these days. It also pauses on some reflection on the idea of "If this is what I see now, how's it going to be for the next generation?"
[ Look Around ]
This poem deals with what I think when I think about one of my "friends" who simply aren't friends anymore, because of what he/she did. (I'll let them remain annoymous)
[ Never ]
No One
The title tells all. My feelings that deal with the belief that nobody seems to understand me or the things I do.
[ No One ]
Our World
A rather depressing poem that I wrote on commission from my friend. It talks about how truly bad our world can be.
[ Our World ]
I was talking with a friend late (really late) one night, and our conversation turned to desiring a relationship with a really good friend. Stay a friend, or take the initiative? This is what I say.
[ Relationships ]
Six Questions
Written after I went through a rather large ordeal at school and me questioning why people would want to do such things to people like me.
[ Six Questions ]
Somewhat a continuation of Our World, this talks about the corruption in society that can be found just about anywhere.
[ Society ]
A rather "to the point" poem that talks about how sometimes I wish to kill myself because of all the problems of life.
[ Suicide? ]
Coming home rather depressed, I was discouraged by the fact that so many people once they make new friends tend to stop being my friends as their new friends aren't exactly fond of me. This was the poem that resulted.
[ Running ]
They See
Something I wrote when I was angry about how people can be so blind when they look at someone else and judge them without knowing them.
[ They See ]
What of I?
My point of view on my life and all the problems in it, going from friends to parents.
[ What of I? ]
Why Lord
This one time, I was really discouraged by just about everything. I couldn't seem to comprehend anything or understand why anything was. This poem spawned from it, though it sounds more like a wail.
[ Why Lord ]
I was feeling really down when I wrote this, feeling like didn't mean anything to this world and was literally a zero.
[ Zero ]