Who is Stellar84?
- Well, hopefully after reading all my poetry (or hopefully at least scanning through it) you want to know more about this person who writes so much. That's why you're here, right? Let me see if I can't at least enlighten you a little bit as to who I am.
- I'm a 15 year old girl by the name of Emily who lives in the southern part of California, kind of near Los Angeles. The name Stellar84 comes from the fact that I like to think about the universe (interstellar), and I was born in the year 1984. I'm in 11th grade, making me a junior. I don't really engage in sports, but I do like to read a lot.
- Poetry is a hobby that I enjoy, since it lets me express words on paper in such a way that it says things I wouldn't dare say out loud. I've started writing in late 1997 with the poem "As She Sat on a Swing", a lengthy yet one of my best poems. These poems get written in small spurts, basically whenever I become inspired. Words just flow, and you'll notice that my most common type of poem is abcb style. My inspiration sessions (one of which I've had 3 in the morning) usually help me to write neatly and efficiently and many poems can be written in one, though sometimes it is only a poem or two.
- So what causes these inspiration sessions? Anything. What I'm thinking about, life, troubles, or anything else that happens to pop into my mind. Sometimes it's depressing, but don't let that fool you. Depressing poems only come from the moment. Once that feeling has passed, I'm not as down as I usually express. However, since the poem is still a poem, whether it's depressive or not, I keep it around. It may not apply anymore, but people still enjoy reading those sort of things.
- Many say I have talent, and maybe I do. But what is talent? The ability to write a million poems on end? Surely not. Poems are something, that I feel, must come from the heart. It can not be spurned on by a demand; a constant urge for more from the public. No. Poetry is an art, like any other. And like most arts, you have to have a feeling for what you're really saying before it comes out in the form you wish.
- Whether or not you agree or disagree with what I feel, I hope that you enjoy the rest of your stay here in my poetry place. All poems are copyrighted by me, Emily, but I hope that you will be able to find an appropriate use for them if you like (that is, besides turning it in as a homework assignment). Feel free to e-mail me if you would like to talk.