The following information was given to a newspaper office in advance of the events occurring. The proof is yet to occur. In the next few years you may have to confirm that you saw it said here, in advance of the occurrences.
December 29, 1992
People who sense
things either past or future are often unknown. Amongst those who have
witnessed such disclosures there is belief that this is possible but beyond
them are a great number of people who are unconvinced. Unbelievers tend
to rationalise unfamiliar information into a process where it is dismissed
without proper consideration. This notification of events to occur should
diminish some disbelief yet not everyone will be convinced there is anything
more than their five senses.
The proof of an
ability to foresee will be that the events listed here will be sufficiently
uncharacteristic so not to be classified as "lucky" guesses. The possibility
that any one of the events is going to occur in the time frame given is
always there. That they all occur in the time period indicated will confirm
it is not by luck. For the gambling man the odds of it occurring as stated
(or within reason, not necessarily the time) are far greater than the odds
against winning a lottery. If there was a typical event or commonness to
foresight of major occurrences then it would be commonplace for everyone
to do it. Such is not the case. A crucial deficiency is in pinpointing
the time.
Several significant
events known to me will (start to) occur after 1996. The exact timing of
them and relative positioning to each other is not known but given that
let me begin with four groups of events occurring. In random order there
will be two events where human action could have averted the situation.
The other two are natural events, one seems to be expected by many but
no one knows the magnitude, how many or when.
1. There will be
an airline crash in Vancouver. (The first commercial aircraft to do so).
It's a charter flight (beginning with a C? like Chapman?) coming from the
south. The crash may involve a bridge or mountain as it banks/circles it
hits the water. It appears to be either a recurring pilot error, or after
several attempts are made, possibly someone unfamiliar with the area. The
plane will be recovered. The forward part of the seating will be relatively
intact, the back section was not shown. The time seemed near the middle
of October. (year not given).
2. Another mishap may involve an American space shuttle after it
has started down for a landing but still very high up (over a dry desert
lake?in Eastern California? Death Valley?). It will be intercepted by another fast flying object coming in from another angle from higher behind. The result will be its burning high up in the atmosphere. It comes down but whether intact or not enough to maintain the crew was not indicated. It didn't appear possible. One man hanging on (directing it) left (died?) just after it was hit. (At best I could only make an informed guess if asked to give more info about this.
The crews would be the ones who would be best to discover when it could
happen. Most everyone can learn to foresee so they are not where disaster
will occur.)
3. The first of
the four events to occur is actually three events. Year not given, in the
early morning hours before many people have gone to work a very large earthquake
will affect our area and the southern part of Vancouver Island. This will
be the third big and the largest of three shakes to hit our area. The two
earlier earthquakes will almost be as big and will be fairly close together.
The first big one will be about June 26 (year not given) about the time
school is getting out (for the year?). Deaths will be associated with at
least one of the earthquakes. (The third one may be as early as late August
or as much as six months after the first one). On the Richter scale the
first two could be in the area of 6 to 6.6 and the third one up to 7.5.
My expectations on this are that it could occur within months of the sighting
and reporting of the comet-asteroid combo.
The 'quakes are large enough to create tsunamis in the Strait of
Georgia which may affect anyone with waterfront property in the Lower Mainland
or Islands as the waves bound from shore to shore. Tsunamis can scour a
shoreline for long distances or create high walls of water demolishing
any buildings in its path. There is often very little advance notice of
them as they can travel at speeds of more than 700 km/h and yet those shock
waves can travel across an ocean to hit on the opposite side. The water
borne shock waves can bunch together in shallower waters and rise to exceptionally
high levels, largely depending on the magnitude of the disturbance which
caused it. Low lying areas and bays are hit worst. Some long term effects
will occur affecting anyone taking the Tsawwassen ferries to Victoria.
It appears there will be a thrust raising the land blocking Active Pass
from use by any big ship initially and then everything. There will also
be a thrust raising the land on the Surrey side of the Fraser. The fault
continues up the Pitt Valley. (In the picture on the left
if this was an actual tsunami the person and photographer would have no
time to get out of the way as they travel up to 50% faster than the speed
of sound.)
quake info and tsumani
A number of Vancouver's downtown and West End buildings will be deemed
to be unsafe and many will not be repaired but be demolished and lots left
vacant whether from one or all of the 'quakes. It will substantially change
the face of this area with the number of buildings being lost by parts
of them falling.
The Marine building
will be given an okay but much to everyone's surprise will be torn down
not much later (after rebuilding efforts are underway on the others being
rebuilt). At least two downtown hotels will also be torn down, a third
one was already scheduled for demolition. It seemed 10-15% of the larger
buildings were damaged and some older ones fell apart. (We
can do rather little about earthquakes except not to be there when it happens
if we chose to live where earthquakes can occur. We seldom address one
of the significant causes of increases of earthquakes, underground nuclear
testing. So little is known by so many people that in some places nuclear
power generation is seen as a favorable industry to have close by!)
Compare: Rev 11:13
And in that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city
fell; seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest
were terrified and gave glory to the God of Heaven. with the aforementioned
event. If this is an analogy relating both to the "city" many consider
is Jerusalem and it turns out to be a reference to my city then the plot
thickens... The event doesn't occur until after the sighting of the comet,
but 'in that hour' would indicate a strong likelihood that it would be
within a year. That it is my city and not Jerusalem literally will ensure
that the literalists are confounded by the Creator. Would it be possible
to warn people of this in advance... sure, but who would be listening,
or responding? It would I think be a rather small audience beforehand...
but certainly would increase afterwards. Not exactly an ideal way to get
recognition but an earthquake is not within my control, although warnings
of it could be.
4. The most significant events are so unusual the likelihood of pointing
to an area of less than 1000 sq kilometres out of a world surface area
of half a million times more than that makes the odds of identifying such
a thing very slim. Statistically very few mountains blow up and those which
do are known volcanos. In that there are going to be at least three eruptions
"locally" in a short time period in separate locations is highly improbable.
Given the possibility of an eruption occurring as one in 10,000 years (in
our province) to be able to say three of them will occur the odds are one
in a billion or greater).
One volcano erupts
close to Chilliwack, perhaps straddling the border. (It will eventually
grow to be nearly as high as Mount Baker to the south of it. At the onset
of eruptions it will require substantial evacuations rapidly to ensure
the people living in the area will not be killed. There will not be much
time from the first indication of it to the time it blows up. The first
signs of it and only warning will be steam or fog rising from the waters
of nearby rivers (this, presumably caused by deep earthquakes). It will
begin from a crack on the lower side of a mountain and blow up very shortly
after. There will be almost no time to effect an evacuation.
Another one could take with it a small wild-fire suppression crew, air
dropped to put out a fire reported by its initial, not yet explosive, release.
Not many explode like Mt St Helens without some advance warning. It may
only be minutes more before it explodes. Imagine a smaller appearance or
beginning to the volcano you see here.
The time of year
appears to be at one end of the fire season (it seemed it could be early).
The blast effects of the second one will substantially disrupt the Fraser
and Thompson Canyon Highways. Some of the existing tunnels will be affected.
The highway will be rebuilt, though roughly. A new lake appeared by the
highway was created by some blockage. The water level will drop suddenly
yet not completely.
Visit here to see more about volcanos or here.
You know the worst, yet even when we know the worst it isn't a neccesity for it to occur, unless we in our foolishness are unwilling to plan for the eventuality of such a disaster. It takes more than last minute planning. I'm not an alarmist, and I'm not crying "wolf". This requires planning on a massive scale.