A Friendly Warning and a Plan Outline So many visited here in the first year, so few responded... that it's alarming! Are you taking it seriously, or apathetically waiting for "someone else" to "do something"? If you read through the material and understood you have more than enough information to start. You were even given a way of testing the information... via dreams and well-known sources of prophecies, once you learn to understand them. This is not a wacko writing this to you. If you do not respond with intelligence to an intelligent warning then you must bear the burden of your apathy, the possibility of our world being substantially damaged. (I don't stop while deafness is feigned.) The consequences to everyone are extremely severe if the warning goes on being ignored. Just who do you think will help if someone with your level of intelligence doesn't? It can't wait until the last minute. The smaller events will give even the skeptical, the doubters, the disbelievers and the cynics time to respond and reflect on how foresight is achieved. More significant events will be added later. (I was doubtful too when I first started this myself. I needed proof too but proof came in ways which weren't always how I expected they might be. The information conveyed to us is mainly through analogies and rarely is it LITERAL. The words have meanings ranging from literal to figurative to dual to parallel to analogic, so do not be hasty at coming to conclusive answers. It takes time to comprehend them, and gather the full meaning.) You've been asked to respond. Either act responsibly or ignore it if you are certain your answers are better than mine... and let me know what the plan is to avert a marauder from the skies. I'd enjoy hearing intelligent and responsible alternatives to mine, preferably from people with as developed an ability to foresee, and not from people who want to quibble about the differences in understanding (particularly when it involves theological differences). I could suggest if you want the world to remain unharmed and the way it looks now we'll have to work together to make it happen. For it to remain the same we must change what we are doing, and as you might imagine that change will help make it occur. I'm only a catalyst. It's beyond my ability to do it all for you. If enough people do nothing however, then the worst will happen. The efforts of many have to be coordinated to give the desired results. Don't expect governments to act in advance until enough people show their concern by acting on it. The efforts have to be profitable as well as prophetable. (It's impossible to do this on a strictly charity basis, that would be "poorly helping the poor" even if any one person's intent was generous). Charity and donations (including estates, bequests etc) will help but not as much as having people participating with products and services to sell. The task of funding this is easier when you have a small percentage of profit coming from large numbers of people. A charitable organization will be required to own it so the profits go there. I have an entertaining way of selling available for this... This exercise in cooperation doesn't have to be filled with threats, nagging, whining and harping on the same topic, or turn anyone into a virtual slave. It can have a large element of fun associated with it, and no panic, IF we act in advance. This project requires the efforts of many people to ensure that the results we get are the ones we want. To use the analogies of our dreams constructively for such a project requires that we learn to use our dreams creatively, in a way that would be clearly called constructive reasoning. Or I could leave it to lesser prophets whose ability seems to stop at being awed with "the connection" and the magnitude of the disaster. None I've seen have pieced together the whole picture and haven't created a realistic plan either. The full development of becoming a prophet requires the use foresight in our daily living, the way I know The Creator intended we use foresight, for our success. There are countless examples from many walks of life and occupations which show or acknowledge the use of dreams in them. Welcome in an Age of Reasoning... because that's what it will ultimately take to save ourselves. Now that the alarm has been sounded there is one other caution, there are a number of pretenders. A valid prophet will speak rationally and logically in a clear manner about what they have foreseen and they can understand a large amount of prophecies from earlier prophets (as the information from them is what has built the need for this development). Few pretenders have pieced together the whole picture. Avoid those who who want you to hear the "Word of God" as they interpret it with a dogmatic "axe to grind" and limit in any way those who can participate. Our world and everyone in it are under the Creator's watchful gaze and those who believe are not limited to a specific belief. Specific areas of coordination are needed: plus thousands more details and expansions on each of these points. It must also include disseminating the information in many languages. Where would you like to begin? What about a business plan that makes it possible Remember the time is |