![[Freedom of Speech]](/Athens/Forum/8990/aniribn.gif) ![[Responsibility in Speech]](/Athens/Forum/8990/respribn.gif) ![[mail]](/Athens/Forum/8990/anicomet.gif) To write me. |
You might wonder who takes the less than popular assignment of being a prophet when many of the things shown to come are less than fun and not infrequently disastrous? Why I would bother to say I'm less than perfect too? Well if I was perfect you might think I was someone else. (I can't imagine anyone wanting to be identified as a returning savior. What a cross to bear that would be. Anyway who'd believe it and how could it be proven?) Those familiar with prophecies might suspect someone could fit the description and discount it for lack of concrete proof (which would be impossible to provide.) As for the ability to foresee, when you have it you don't just get to see the things you want to see. Prophets are basically ordinary people who recognize the message they have been given to relay and are prepared to take a large measure of responsibility for stating what they foresee. Collectively organizing them is inclined to be like herding cats. They must face the unpleasant aspects of what has been seen, the disasters, destruction, dismemberment, deaths, downfalls, devastation, divorce and dimwitted decisions we make, something many people would prefer to avoid or ignore. Prophets without patience and tolerance can be tactless, "loose cannons" who voice unkind opinions on the repeated shortcomings of their audience or abuse the power of their foreknowledge. We all have some shortcomings. It is necessary to occasionally state what issues are in need of attention but not to constantly harp on them or bore the audience. In this time there are many who are or will be prophets, I'm one of them and apparently the first one with the most comprehensive approach to resolving the problems we face. Other prophets will try to assert they have all the answers or vainly attempt to lead on their own... Not even I believe that I have all the answers. I know it requires that we work together on this. As for those who assert they are the return of a messiah know that that person will only be identified by works and prophecies they fulfill... later, not by clamoring they are in the near future. We need their help not displays of their vanity.
Me, I'm just an ordinary man with many shortcomings and a few "pet peeves". Some shortcomings I'm willing to admit to and keep because I enjoy them or because I will not accept the alternatives or I'm unwilling to be perfect in someone else's eyes. I'm more concerned about being in integrity with myself than with someone else's chosen path or idea of "the right way". Some shortcomings I've given up. I've come to the realization that the cautions of living any religions' "good life" requirements aren't about following a rule book. They're about integrity and common sense. We make mistakes, have accidents, slip and fall, many times. Life goes on. We either improve by learning or by following directions. There is no magical moment when we become an adult and are perfectly responsible for everything. Even though laws say we are responsible for everything at a certain age, the use of a precisely defined age is law not a guideline. The taking of responsibility is a process, which in some of us takes longer. The process of maturity and responsibility includes consequences for moments of impulsiveness, foolishness or thoughtlessness. We aren't given all our tests in life as a child or student. The process devised by the Creator includes penalties the body metes out as pain, allergies or sensitivities for excesses and abuses it received when younger (or inherited.)
 | This picture of me was taken in July 1995 at a picnic by the Kettle River in BC (Canada). I lived within the province all my life. Was born in Vancouver, BC Nov 8 1943. Was almost 31 before marrying. We had 2 boys, Drew and Jeremy. I've been a farmer, railroader, longshoreman, cook, cabbie, mill worker, in insurance sales and a computer store owner amongst other things. I love children and have had foster children 3 different times in my life. Two fosterings were arranged in unofficial agreements. Was a Scoutmaster and Big Brother too. |
I know I still make mistakes, don't you? I'll tell you of a few in my life. This way you will know that if I occasionally say I wouldn't do something or steer you from doing it there's a reason, or I've done it and realized it was a mistake. We do not learn from not doing something, we learn from doing things and making decisions whether to do it again, or do it in a different way. This includes the excesses of our societal structure and actions. The directions are found as hints and suggestions in our dreams. My education stopped before completing first year university. I liked learning a lot. What I wanted to learn was what I've been writing about for years. It didn't exist in any educational facility when I was interested in learning about it. If I had stayed I would have become a teacher, at least for a while.
I'm divorced. My wife of less than 10 years left me. We tried to make it work. There were some unresolvable major problems from the beginning (and although I was far from perfect I really tried). I do believe in a committed monogamous relationship however my private life is just that, private. What I do with my life is my choice. When it involves someone else my sense of decency and integrity does not allow me to expose or betray them inappropriately. I would urge others to do the same or risk being a Judas. Judas breached his own integrity and paid dearly for the mistake he made.
I started making my own wine and beer when I was less than legal age. Got pretty good at it but rarely let alcohol get the better of me. There were occasional excesses. Saw a lot of others who weren't able to handle it and some became dependent on it. Now I still make my own wine but fall in the category of light to moderate in my enjoyment of it. I don't think anyone should be more than a moderate drinker if they think they are going to live successfully (so there's no endorsement here of behavior which goes beyond sensible control). Too many negative things happen to your health, wealth and partnerships by drinking more than moderately. I could tell you about a man drinking heavily then driving, with his wife and all his children, who in effect committed suicide on the front of my pickup truck. Four of them died, three instantly. I cried for years (when the subject came up) for the children even though I wasn't responsible for his actions. By the grace of God I walked away from the accident, my truck was totalled!
Interestingly enough I had been shown two similar events in separate dreams many years earlier. That was before I paid much attention to dreams, but certainly did after that... The second accident like it was two and a half years later! At least I hadn't "killed with intent" like three other well known prophets, the best known example being Moses. Maybe it will make you think why "bad" people have been able to become spiritual leaders. It required them to be tolerant, and humble for their own misdoings and to "clean up their act" from the inside. They didn't all do well with that part of it. All the examples to "look up to" as examples are humans with shortcomings. (Can you hear shrieks of denial already?) Prophets have urged others to follow what they're told, and not repeat the mistakes they made, while trying to maintain a principled behavior to show their integrity publicly.
There have been scraps and scrapes I've been in. Some were at least partly my fault, some entirely my fault and not many where I was totally without blame.
Aside from those shortcomings I usually have a high level of integrity. I work hard but haven't always succeeded. I'm not violent or abusive although I can be positively overwhelming at times or is that overwhelmingly positive? I was a single parent for 5 years. How am I doing? Have you determined that I'm less than perfect? Good. I wouldn't want you think I was better than you, besides the muckrakers would feel it was required to find that I was less than perfect anyway. There's more but it would embarrass more than me and I respect the feelings and rights of others. Nothing is gained by being a tattletale or gossip or saying things which could harm or embarrass others. We lose our kindness and sensitivity by degrees by doing that. More than I have told you is no one else's business.
As for being a prophet, I was recognized as being one far away on the other side of the world many years ago. It doesn't sit well with me but I won't deny the ability. God could have found someone who always said the right things, devoutly attended some religious organization (if that was highly important), had the right education, good connections in the community, had never done anything wrong. (Well maybe... I don't know anyone who hasn't done something which was less than what some law requires.) It couldn't be because I was really a good writer either, I ramble and I'm somewhat dyslexic with words even if I'm essentially logical and rational.
Maybe it's because I'm able to see solutions, answers to things from the analogies they contain. No, I had to learn that on my own. Well there must be some reason. Maybe I'll discover it before I'm replaced... It couldn't be because I'm politically correct. I struggle with that yet I'm tolerant, and usually considerate. Maybe it's because I'm interested in such a broad spectrum of things and well-read. Whatever it is I know I'm at peace with my God. He shows me what to avoid (or do) so I remain in integrity with myself and others, and live a moderate life. I don't always succeed with the suggestions made to me (I'm plainly human) but usually I try.
I count among my friends those whose skins are black, brown, yellow and red. I have friends who are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Baha'i, practice tribal beliefs, or are atheists. I have friends who are homosexuals and lesbians. I have friends who smoke. (And I'm very sensitive to smoke.) There's none of them that I agree with everything they believe (or do) but I don't tell them they can't believe or practice what they believe is right. I look to see if their words and actions are in integrity with what they practice or accept for themselves. As for a faith or denomination which is best there isn't one whose tenets aren't flawed by how they are practised or believed, yet the basics are there... Belief's logic is often abandoned erroneously in favor of dogma and superstition. Labelling beliefs as wrong is not in the best interests of anyone. Indicating where the beliefs have missed a concept or an understanding is much more useful than arguing. Few of us are prepared to instantly change what we believe just because someone (prophet or not) suggests our understanding has "missed the mark".
I have friends of every political persuasion who express ideas I don't always agree with. My friends' ideas range from wonderfully considered and practical to ill-considered, irrational, narrow in perspective, impractical and even offensive. I agree with much of what they say, hear them out when I don't agree or suggest things they may not have considered, or disagree with them. I would never consider saying their thoughts and words were criminal if they were only unkind or offensive. Then I might point out that their words are out of integrity with what they want for themselves. Most of us are unaware how out of integrity we are with ourselves, and what we say and do. We can change that. If we don't no one is damned by a person who thinks they are misguided or wrong (like some zealots do.) Our best direction requires that we follow the path and most importantly, heed our dreams.
Some people are too sensitive, other insensitive. Some have forgotten the tolerance it takes to give the diversity of beliefs our world has and want to take freedom of speech away from those who say things they don't like to hear. Freedom of speech allows us to say outrageous things and it can only be measured by the extremes of what people say and accept. Freedom is a two-edged sword. If words of hate are designed to incite criminal activity against specific ethnic or religious groups, or people whose sexual practises offend you, or individuals who "are different" there could be a crime. What are words of hate to someone whose beliefs or politics are seen as extreme by the majority? Is it strictly the words, or what is being said or implied? Is not the idea of having to be perfect in everything we say a means of control for a vocal yet specifically attuned minority to discriminate against those whose views they don't agree with or think they have the right to judge as being offensive. Discrimination is disguised intolerance. Those who want politically correct speech in everyone have a wonderful idea. (Have you noticed the politically correct and most professionals don't laugh as much or as easily?) If any actions promote intolerance of the rights of others to say what they think or feel or aims to harm those whose opinions or words are not in agreement with their narrower views are they stooping to be no better than what they are trying to eradicate? Kindness and tolerance cannot be legislated. It is up to people who hear unkindness and ill-considered things to shift the perceptions and words of those who have strayed from more acceptable words. Avoid force or anger when kindness and reasoning work. And nothing you do to make things better will work every time... just as a rock wall requires many rocks and a guideline to build it relatively straight.
I have a background within a mainstream church and family who were clergy. Spiritual I am, religious I'm not. I spent years in the church then realized churches were political, not spiritual, businesses. I'm supportive of basic beliefs, but not dogma. Some beliefs are flawed, yet faults can be corrected without harsh penalties. Repairing faults begins with an application of knowledge after those affected accept the person as being credible. That takes time, a long time for some as religious organizations are reluctant to listen and resistant to change.
Most Jews still do not believe that the first messiah came and went because he didn't fit what they thought he should be. (He was human.) Be assured many Jews will not see the messiah this time for the same reasons, but they aren't alone in that. You could add Christians, Muslims and Baha'is to that group because people do not shift their understandings and beliefs just because the time has come when they should. People only change their way of looking at their beliefs if there is something quite outstanding happening and then only some of them will recognize the person. (It doesn't really matter if the person is recognized. The attention isn't for the person but is to get people to look at their spirituality, personal development and the connection they have within them to the Creator.)
People who expect prophetic analogies to be clearly literal won't see either. Can anyone be reasonably expected to pop out of a cloud 2000 years later or call people to meet with him in a cloud? Lots of luck on picking the cloud that your ethereal being is going to call his meeting in. Personally when I travel in a cloud I pick "a fast cloud" like a Boeing. Then consider too a technical description of the Internet is also described as "a cloud". If that doesn't fry a few circuits in the literally conservative could they be deaf and blind too?
Arguing points like this with the dogmatic is seldom worthwhile. They aren't looking to see or agree, they're looking to prove a point or be "right" (for reasons known only to themselves. Being knowledgeable and using rational logic gives someone who thinks and acts superior ability, not superiority.) My experience talking with such people is that they are determined to be right (and they twist passages' meanings to suit their argument) and if someone else's view is at variance to theirs, that person is totally wrong unless they accept their viewpoint. There's no middle ground, no desire or willingness to shift their perceptions when looking at concepts. It's an odd approach when the whole matter is looked at in concept... Dreams are concepts the Creator uses to communicate with us showing us the future. The future and the truth are not absolutes or cast in stone. Some certainties which negatively affect us, we have a choice of averting or avoiding. It's up to us to choose a response or suffer the consequences for our inaction.
No one I spoke to in my formative years understood what prophecies were all about or how to understand them, and most were not even interested in knowing. They were a puzzle no one had answers to, and I was determined to understand, and did. It took me from before age 10 to 28 before I had pieced what I had accumulated in terms of many different prophetic sources, many were not scriptural. I had rejected any association with churches at 16 and substantially disbelieved for years (I was not even certain that God existed yet I saw "through" the religious lessons, many were illogical not analogical. Only part of it was true and the rest was dogma. Dogma contains no provable facts. It's information some person, not a prophet, decides that everyone should believe, it's part of the politics of beliefs.)
Some psychics know a lot of what I can foresee of the future, none have seemingly pieced the whole of it together. A few minor prophets know too, but I have never met anyone who knew what I knew or had a substantial frame of reference of the upcoming events or a sense of the time when it would occur. One observation in relation to foresight is that any person who foresees is usually spiritually oriented, but it's rarely clergy as they are hampered by dogma.
Now that you know that my approach is logical and that I'm not going to direct you from a "holier than thou" position you'll understand when I make a suggestion it comes from experience or from things shown in dreams, mine or others. (I'll try not to judge you if you try not to judge me.) Many laws had their origins in the guidelines given by Moses the murderer. Many rigid, intolerant, unforgiving attitudes in society have links to his words (or another prophet whose name starts with an M.) Now a select few, who are better educated and have fewer misdoings in their past or can hide them, get to judge and punish everyone for everything. (Is that really justice?) Look first to the forgivingness of those who followed Moses. They didn't look to him to be perfect. They looked to him to be a leader with integrity. Some complained and grumbled yet most realized it was in their best interests to heed what he had to say. He complained they were an unruly lot, hmm, I wonder if he considered his own actions years before... many are still wandering somewhat aimlessly 3300+ years later, the gypsies whose "promised land" was never realized. They've lost the understanding of who they were.
The ability to foresee is there in each of us. It comes from the Creator. We only have to realize it's there and learn how to use it. To me if I get you to learn to address that it will be more valuable in the long run than if we manage to avert the disaster.
We piece what we see and experience in dreams into words. Together with reality we find a workable solution to resolve the problem or issue. I knew of things I couldn't explain even when I was young. It wasn't until I was well into my 30's that I found it was from dreams. I'd had an abiding interest in prophecies. That combination is how I know what needs to be done in the next few decades. I also know everyone has seen some of this information in their dreams because the time is that close. No one person sees the future clearly yet collectively we can improve on that. It could make surviving this "End Time" possible, for more of us.
I have been very cautious in releasing this information as there are still laws in existence aimed at silencing those who are able to foresee, by trying them for witchcraft. Those laws even exist today in many so-called enlightened nations. Laws which enable the custodians of laws to prosecute and persecute spiritual people as witches or warlocks while ignoring that many kind and gentle people have a latent or developed ability to foresee. Many of them hide or downplay their ability knowing that those laws have been misapplied plus the consequences of them being misapplied. Few "sensitives" ever study it deeply to allow them to use the ability more meaningfully.
The custodians of society choose who to apply these laws as it suits them, supposedly in the "public interest" yet their ignorance of what foresight can do is what makes this travesty possible. It makes doing the "right thing" as a prophet more difficult when someone is capable of having me tried as something that I am not while they smugly justify their (grossly unjust) actions.
It hasn't been more than a few years since a real "witch trial" occurred somewhere in the world, so don't think this concern is about archaic laws, long since abandoned. Many are still there to be applied at the whim of someone wanting power to penalize another person.
In Italy (recollections say 20-30 years ago) a woman was wrongfully convicted of a crime and imprisoned in Livorno (Leghorn) because she couldn't explain why her male partner suffered the gruesome death of Spontaneous Human Combustion [SHC] (as if she would know why). [SHC is when a person burns without any apparent external reason (although external reasons are often fabricated to give explanation for the occurrence). There are many skeptics even though this phenomenon has been chronicled for ages.
For their (the local authorities) lack of knowledge of the phenomenon she was incarcerated. When SHC occurs the person often burns to the point of near total consumption, ie. cremation of the body. Authorities in many places have no reasonable explanation for it (just as they have no answers for many phenomenon). Alchemy was unjustly relegated as a "black art" too even though it has clearly provable results in many experiments involving transmutation.
We each have limits to our ability to believe, yet outright denial of what we don't know, nor will take the time to investigate, as fact is ignorance raising it's head. Skeptics are entitled to their views, but it seems strange that we live in a time of enlightenment and still some scientists and skeptics would like to make a name for themselves by publicly stating the world isn't round... oops not that, I mean that SHC doesn't exist. With a closed approach to knowing we would deny astronauts and their equipment lose weight while in orbit and regain it gradually after their return to Earth or that walking on fire cannot exist in reality or that human travel to distant stars is destined to remain science fiction.]
It has been only 275 years since an execution for witchcraft has occurred in Western countries and less than 300 years before that when Joan of Arc was burned in France for having the ability to foresee. During those same three centuries were thousands of deaths of people wrongly convicted of witchcraft and/or executed for the ignorance of their persecutors.
It was an extension of the insanity known as the Inquisition, with the torture beginning in 1233 and continuing into the 19th century. Humankind's inhumanity to others seldom rests before someone somewhere falsely accuses someone or tortures them into confessions for crimes they didn't commit or so-called crimes which were no crimes at all, or only bad judgment. The scale of what constitutes an offense or crime varies in an inverse relation to the way the political winds are blowing and the state of the economy.
We, the public, are not ignorant of the Inquisition, yet we have never seen accountability, justice or even amends made in 764 years for torture, murder and theft by blackmail and intimidation, all done in the name of God. As a prophet I know God did not sanction what was done. Draw your own conclusions as to where the responsibility lies and what authority they therefore possess. There is much information they have withheld too so they didn't need to change their doctrines. They couldn't change or they would have to admit they weren't the ultimate authorities they claimed they were. The Hebrew they voted to be their God and still insist in their big lie that he really is God they cannot admit to knowing where he's buried even if millions of others know.
There is no intermediary between you and the Creator and never was, only those who can help you develop that connection. We each have a one-on-one connection to that Source. It lives in us and with us, always present and All Knowing. It shares It's knowledge with us once we learn to recognize what we've been given to hear, analogies, parables or metaphors. Humanity thinks it has become more knowing than the Creator but we don't get to discover just how arrogant and foolish we have been until a prophet or several spell out what we have missed. Most prophets are not believed until too late. Some are irate that no one will listen. The fault is theirs that they failed to present it in a manner that people would want to listen. Even my concerns have impaired my ability to convey the message, to some it seems that they are paranoid. They aren't. Foresight is a multifunction tool.
Please excuse me for keeping my distance from the benighted. Life is too short and freedom too precious for it to be impaired, restricted or risk being incarcerated by those with limited understanding or knowledge, or an unwillingness to see beyond what they already believe. (I recall politics and police have a knack for penalizing those with whom they have taken offense, not directly but indirectly and then justify it by calling it justice. I recall too a man with foresight who was crucified for political reasons. Would I unknowingly allow a comparable repeat? No. That would waste the ability to foresee.) |