Teen Empowerment
People are often heard saying “children are our future.” It’s
true. Yet our institutions often treat children in ways that deny their will and power to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Even with our technological and cultural advances, males
in our culture are still widely taught to suppress emotions (mainly fear and sadness) and intuitions, while girls are taught to suppress anger and expressions of power. Consequently,
young (and often older) males are often observed acting out their warrior side without awareness of consequences. Girls are observed reacting to authority through an over-emphasis on
“looks” and through sexual promiscuity; they learn to project their unowned (and culturally unacceptable) authority onto “Mr. Right” or the “knight in shining armor.” The authority structures
of school and life do not offer many children the opportunity to directly engage in decision-making over their own lives (such as what and when to learn), nor are they consulted about
decisions the community makes on almost any issue. That’s why youth empowerment is critical for our age.
I offer coaching, mentoring, tutoring, and workshops geared towards teens, and especially male teens. To reach the teen psyche, I use metaphors from
modern culture, such as “the hero’s journey” that are depicted in such movies as The Matrix or The Neverending Story. I encourage teens to get out in the world, learn about politics,
business, their community, and the environment, and to take a personal stake in the future of the community and planet through developing a sense of life purpose. I value and respect the
ability of teens to perceive reality accurately and to decide what’s right for themselves. I help them develop their own internal and external resources so they can meet life with confidence,
curiosity, and courage. Whether through one-on-one coaching, mentoring, or through group workshops such as Voices & Choices Teen Empowerment Experience, youth learn to develop the following capacities:
- Life Purpose – Deeper awareness of and connection to life purpose
- Self-determination – Self-directed learning and motivation
- Positive values development – responsibility, proactivity, authenticity, empathy, self-restraint, integrity, perseverance, trust
- Social competencies – constructive conversation, conflict resolution, honesty, diversity, teamwork, citizenship
- Critical and creative thinking and doing skills, decision-making, and ethical judgment
- Self-Identity – realistic self-assessment, positive self-concept, ability to self-empower, internal sense of control, transformation of fear and negative emotions
- Support – ability to ask for support from adults and peers when needed, and to offer support in kind
- Belonging – holding valued, trusted, and meaningful roles within the family, school, and community
- Respect – the ability to discern and appropriately manage one’s own and others’
boundaries, both physically and psychologically, and to abide by social agreements
- Empowerment – standing for the highest in ourselves and others, and acting in ways that enhance the quality of love and unlimited possibility in our world.
I also encourage and facilitate the development of youth councils, led by youth, that give
youth a voice in communities and work to create youth-adult partnerships with schools, business, government, and community organizations.
I offer tutoring in SAT preparation (verbal & math), and in most middle school and high school
core subjects, including psychology and lifeskills.. I focus on the whole person, not just the intellect. Please contact me for more information.