What is LifePath Coaching?
Life Path Coaching is a partnership established for the sole purpose of supporting you in creating the life you most desire.
As a coach, my role is to empower you to step up and take the reigns of your life firmly in hand, by giving you practical
tools and encouragement.
Throughout this process, I support you in discovering more of what makes you truly happy and alive. I also challenge
you to make important choices and to believe in your own vision of your future — not your parents’ or anyone else’s.
Coaching is a rare opportunity to give voice to your innermost dreams and to be listened to and taken seriously.
This alone can help you move forward in a way that might have seemed difficult or impossible before.
As a partnership, our primary task is to bring forth your authentic self so that all of your
actions are aligned with your deepest sense of meaning and purpose. When your goals are held in the context of your spiritual development (your deepest values and what makes
life meaningful), you attain a powerful clarity of focus that makes the doing more joyful and effortless.