Hello, and welcome to my web. I hope you are finding something that inspires you.

I consider myself, first and foremost, an artist -- writer, musician, designer. And as an artist, foremost I am an artist of souls, you might say. Not that I create souls, but I help create the space for souls to emerge.

The journey began with my own life, working through deep depression and alienation through my teens and twenties, through a divorce in my thirties, through myriad “universal redirects” up to this very day. I have learned, deeply, what it means to surf through chaos, to have faith even when everything is going haywire, and to listen to that never-faltering voice of guidance, no matter what form it has taken. And I have come out, again and again, with my humor and my soul intact, stronger, more daring, and more creative. So I appreciate what it feels like to be lost, to be searching, and also to be finding fulfillment. After all, if the facilitator hasn’t gone through these things, how is he or she going to help you?

Here's my professional bio.

In my more ordinary artistic pursuits, I am a writer, poet, singer and drummer, and radio host and deejay. See my Oasis Radio web site (audio archives are now posted). I play guitar, write music (folk-rock-jazz influences, chant and trance music), and I tinker with midi and a 16-track recorder. Stay tuned and I will feature more of that on this site. For a taste, here are the lyrics for The Pulse of Life.

I am father of two children, Ian (16) and Eliza (13). Here is a picture of them. We like to make music, take walks and bike rides, and pretend we’re on “Whose Line is It Anyway?” Ian is currently working on an invention, and Eliza is an aspiring actress and singer with the Middle School Jazz Band.

Click on the logo to learn more about the danger of the US Navy’s Low Frequency Active Sonar.

Click here to read my poem about “The Killing Sound.”

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