Current Calendar


January February March April May June July

August September October November December






New Year's Day

Feast of Mary the Mother of God



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day

On November 16, 1991, the Messenger announced a dispensation from Omri-Tas in which he would be present on earth on the third of each month to render service by his Great Causal Body. The Messenger said: "That is the day when walls of violet flame can come down and we can be directly in the Electronic Presence of Omri-Tas." As it is the third of the month in at least one time zone somewhere on the planet for a span of 48 hours, the monthly Omri-Tas' Day violet flame vigil begins on the second and ends on the fourth. See 1993 PoW, pp. 453, 458; and 1994 PoW, p. 7. For more information and for an explanation of how to calculate the beginning and ending times of the Omri-Tas' Violet Flame Day vigil in your time zone, see "Omri-Tas' Day: A 48-Hour Opportunity" (1993 PoW, pp. 72-76) and accompanying time zone map.



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day

Ascension Day of Ruth O. Jones (1895-1976)

Ruth Jones ascended at the age of 80. She had been a Keeper of the Flame for 13 years. After her husband and twin flame, Sidney Jones, went before her in the ritual of the ascension, Ruth lived and served with the Messengers for almost a decade. The Ascended Master Kuthumi said, "I transfer by the authority of her own ascended presence the ray of her mantle, the momentum of her dedication, to every Keeper of the Flame and every soul who will read this announcement and who will believe in Christ, in the ascension of her soul and in the possibility of the ascension of his own soul." (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 19, no. 3).



El Morya's Day

El Morya has given the dispensation of his Electronic Presence on the fourth of each month where Keepers of the Flame give prayers and decrees to him (12-13-92 dictation, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no 68): "I wish to also speak to you, then, of my desire to save the cities. You heard my dictation from New York in which I stated that I would place my Electronic Presence there, everywhere in that entire city, for thirty-three days that the Keepers of the Flame in the metropolitan area might give their perpetual calls to me and we might see if I might be able to remain in that city. Well, beloved ones, these Keepers of the Flame in the greater metropolitan area did come together and they performed a mighty service. And during this period, they did also establish their own focus for their Teaching Center that the Messenger might enter the city again. Yes, they performed an excellent decree service, but their numbers are not enough. They are not enough to in fact hold me there for every day of the year. "Thus, I made my commitment to them, and I make it this day, that I will be in New York the fourth of every month, following on the heels of beloved Omri-Tas. Thus, we will see what I can work for that city with the Keepers of the Flame in the area. I am counting on them, one and all, to keep a glorious vigil on each fourth. Won't you join them and me?

"I also made known to you at that time, beloved ones, that I would place my Presence in any city if a group of chelas would dedicate themselves to me and give my blue-ray decrees as recorded on the four "El Morya tapes" and sing my songs as a rosary to me.

"Therefore remember, wherever you are, wherever is your town or hamlet, wherever is your group of Keepers of the Flame, if you will petition me, if you will ask me to place my Electronic Presence with you, I will be there and I will remain and I will stay according to your numbers and according to the Light you invoke.

"What meets the eye, therefore, is the need for the increase in those Lightbearers, the increase in those devotees, the increase in those hearts as well as the deliverance of those hearts who are burdened who are already in the Community.

"With this goal in mind, I can place my Electronic Presence in every town. And when I do so, I place that Electronic Presence over and over and over again so that you may see literally ten thousand or ten million Morya's standing in the territory, the city limits, and holding the flame of the will of God for that town and the Lightbearers in it.

"If there are not enough numbers in your town to keep me there full-time, I may be able to come to you one day a month....

"Take me up on this, beloved ones. For I know that the cities must be saved if the nations are to be saved, for what are the nations without cities?

"Well, for instance, without the large cities they are certainly without crime and corruption, without gangs, without massive abuses of funds and abuse of the media. There are many unwholesome conditions that the cities bring, as Babylon of old, for the corruption of the planetary body. But I tell you, beloved, the cities are yet useful to the vast majority of people and to the hierarchy of Light and to the Lightbearers, and there are many Lightbearers who are caught in these cities."

For more information on the El Morya vigil on the fourth of each month. see also 1993 PoW, pp. 70, 71, 77-80, 367, 379 n. 12.

The Messenger recommends including in your vigil the decrees and songs from the four El Morya tapes-"El Morya, Lord of the First Ray: Dynamic Decrees with Prayers and Ballads for Chelas of the Will of God 1-4"--and the "Hail to the Chief!" song cassette. You may also want to give Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon, the Surrender Rosary, Ashram Ritual 3: Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God's Holy Will, as well as Mother Mary's Scriptural Rosary celebrating the Joyful Mysteries on the First Ray.

In the Messenger's February 22, 1989 letter to Keepers of the Flame on lesson 7 and above, she explained that the giving of decrees and songs with the audiocassette "El Morya, Lord of the First Ray 2"--starting with the first prayer, "I Raise My Cup to Thee"-- is "the best means I know to raise the cup of our consciousness to be filled with the Christly virtues and blessings of the Will of God for all people....That this cup of self that is becoming our God-Self realization under your tutelage, O Lord El Morya, may one day be a chalice worthy, a chalice strengthened, a chalice perfected for the Holy Grail--this is our prayer." (pp. 1-2).



Birthday of Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahanansa Yogananda was born in Gorakhpur, India, and was devoted to God at an early age. In 1920 he traveled to America at the request of his guru and later established the American headquarters of the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles. Yogananda taught the way of the Christ and the Buddha and initiated many into the science of Kriya Yoga.



Feast of the Epiphany

The Feast of the Epiphany falls on the 12th day after Christmas and commemorates the manifestation of Jesus as the Son of God, as represented by the adoration of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus, and the miracle of the wine at the marriage feast at Cana. Epiphany originally marked the beginning of the carnival season preceding Lent, and the evening (sometimes the eve) is known as Twelfth Night. The Ascended Masters El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul were embodied as the three wise men. Call to the Causal Bodies of these three Ascended Masters to attend the birth of Christ in your own heart and in all who are bearers of the Christ Light.



Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus



Swami Vivekananda Jayanti



Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday

A federal holiday observed the third Monday in January. It honors the late civil rights leader. It became a public holiday in 1986.



Birthday of Francis Bacon

Sir Francis Bacon was an embodiment of the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Bacon was a statesman, essayist, and the father of inductive reasoning and the scientific method. He oversaw the translation the King James version of the Bible and wrote the Shakespearean plays, which contain in code the story of his life and the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood.

Surya's Day

God Surya announced his presence in the earth in his dictation of 7-2-94, printed in 1994 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 37, no. 36, pp. 415-416, as follows (excerpt):

"I tell you, beloved, I come, as depicted in Hindu lore, in my chariot. I come for this battle and I will tell you this: The legions of the God Star are not content merely to win this battle in the earth but they are determined to go on and on and on and conquer while the open door is there, while you are there, ready to respond to our leading.

"Thus, we will not stop our labors. And I shall place my Electronic Presence here, and sometimes I shall center myself here and there on other systems of worlds, even as Omri-Tas has done. He is with you forty-eight hours in each month. And, beloved, the rest of the time he is here and there on other systems of worlds where the evolutions have such great need of the violet flame.

"Thus I shall now do the same. As you know, all who are ascended may place the Electronic Presence of their being anywhere and multiply that Presence many thousands and millions of times, thereby appearing to untold numbers simultaneously and tending to their needs. In addition to our being able to place our Electronic Presence where it is needed, it is surely a boon and a dispensation for us to have you as the key anchor point of our lifestream on earth. And this we treasure.

"Thus it is the time and thus it is the season. And this is the time that you may reap all the good you have sown.

"Therefore, beloved, I come. And I AM here in this hour and I shall remain with you as the Great Law will allow. And you shall see and know the turning points in the earth, and you shall remark one to another how God and his angels and his chelas have turned this old world around. For the news shall confirm it, the minds of the people shall confirm it, and you stand to see a great transformation.

"You have heard that this is the Dark Cycle in the sign of Aquarius. You have heard of the Dark Cycle becoming darker in the earth. And indeed for those who have abandoned their God and their reason for being, karma is piling up. And so they are counted among those who cry out to the mountains to fall on them.

"Thus, the woes descend upon those who have not taken the opportunity to enter the Mind of God, and it is a pity, beloved. It is a pity that there are yet fallen angels who still cleave to a hierarchy of fallen ones who have already been judged before the Court of the Sacred Fire on Sirius.

"But this is so, beloved, and some are diehards to the end. And it is as if they were going to seed. And thus it is their "fall" and their autumn and their days are numbered. This is not the will of God. This is their freewill choice, for they will not say die and they will not bend the knee before the Faithful and True or the armies of Light.

"What can be said, then, beloved? Nothing.

"This is why the Four and Twenty Elders execute judgment at the Court of the Sacred Fire. And their true and just judgments only reflect the free will of the fallen angels. It is the dividing of the way. For God has laid his blueprint over the systems of worlds and he has said: "This is the hour. This is the hour when I will see to it that that golden age can be opened, but in order to open it I must have my sons and daughters as extensions of myself in the physical octave."

"Thus El Morya, foreseeing many years ago this time of ages turning and intense karma descending, has called you, each and every one, has sent angels of Light to bring you to this oneness of cosmic purpose on these very dates. Beware the dates, then, and fulfill the full outline of the angels of the God Star, the Mighty Blue Eagle that is also become the symbol of this nation.

"I, Surya, seal you in this hour for that point of victory that you can yet accomplish. All that is gone before in this conference, as has been said, is the foundation. Now reap the apex, the capstone of the pyramid. Reap the crown of everlasting life, won by service rendered."

The Messenger announced that Surya will be with us on the twenty-second and twenty-third days of each month.

Chinese New Year (year of the monkey)



Surya's Day



Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul

Saul, a learned Jew and doctor of the law, had persecuted Christians and consented to the stoning of Saint Stephen. On the road to Damascus, he met Jesus, "a light from heaven...shining round about me," and heard his voice: "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." Trembling, Saul answered, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" Saul experienced immediate conversion and soon thereafter began his mission as the apostle Paul.



Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas





Eid al Adha - Islam (sacrifice and alms)


Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under

The Presentation of the Lord Jesus (Candlemas)



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under



Birthday of Saint Thomas More, Martyr (1478-1535)

Sir Thomas More, saint, statesman, scholar and author, was an incarnation of beloved El Morya.



Ascension Day of George Miles Lancaster (1896-1983)

"Uncle George" was a faithful friend, loved by all. He was determined to make his ascension. Once he found the Great White Brotherhood in 1961, he attended every conference, listened to all the dictations and lectures and rose early every morning to give decrees for three or four hours.

Parinirvana (Buddhist)



Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes



Ascension Day of Lotus Ray King (1971)

Lotus Ray King was the pen name of Edna Ballard, co-founder of the I AM Activity in the 1930s. She and her husband, Guy Ballard, were Messengers for Saint Germain. She was previously embodied as Saint Joan of Arc and Benjamin Franklin.

Lincoln's Birthday

A federal holiday in many states, this day was first formally observed in Washington, D.C. in 1866 when both houses of Congress gathered for a memorial address in tribute to the assassinated president.



Saint Valentine's Day

Read "A Valentine from Saint Germain" in Saint Germain On Alchemy, which contains his "never-ending promise to assist you to find your immortal freedom as you determine never to give up and never to turn back." On Valentine's Day show your gratitude to Saint Germain for his gift of the violet flame.



President's Day



Losar, Tibetan New Year



Washington's Birthday (1732-1799)

At Valley Forge, the Goddess of Liberty showed George Washington the destiny of America and future perils to the nation. Saint Germain stood by Washington throughout the Revolution, directed the writing of the Constitution of the United States, and anointed Washington as first president. Washington was an embodiment of the Ascended Master Godfre (God Obedience). In his final incarnation, he served as Saint Germain's Messenger, Guy W. Ballard.

Surya's Day (see description under January)

Al-Hijra/Muharram (Islamic New Year)


Surya's Day



Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is a day of fasting, abstinence and penance in imitation of Christ's fast in the wilderness. Lent is traditionally the period of forty weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, a period of penitence and preparation before Easter. In the Roman Catholic Church, palms from the previous year's Palm Sunday are blessed and burned. The priest then marks a cross upon the forehead of each worshipper with the ashes from the palms. The Anglican Church and some Protestant groups in the United States also observe the day, but generally do not use ashes.


Lanello's Ascension Day (1918-1973)

Our beloved Messenger Mark L. Prophet (the Ascended Master Lanello) ascended after many lifetimes of service and devotion to God. From the ascended state he tells us, "Joy is the very first principle of the ascension"(Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 10).



Birthday of Henry Wadsworth Logfellow (1807-1882)

Longfellow, popular American poet in the 19th century, was an embodiment of Lanello. He left his professorship at Harvard to devote his life to writing poetry, overshadowed by El Morya.

Birthday of Florence Jeannette Miller (1936-1979)

Florence Miller, previously embodied as Saint Teresa of Avila, joined the staff of The Summit Lighthouse in 1968. She was head of the publishing department and member of the Board of Directors of Church Universal and Triumphant.

Birthday of Apollo

The birthday of Apollo, the Greek God of Light and Truth, was celebrated at Delphi six days after the new moon in February. Students of the Ascended Masters know Apollo as the Elohim of the Second Ray of God's Wisdom. 



First Sunday of Lent (purple candle)





Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under

Day of Áashurah (10th Day Fast - Islamic Day of Remembrance)



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under



Birthday of Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886)

Ramakrishna, Hindu saint and mystic, was born to a poor Brahmin family in a village in Bengal, India. He practiced various faiths, including Christianity and Islam, and said he could achieve spiritual bliss through any of them. Ramakrishna saw the Divine Mother in himself and in all people, especially women.



Holi - Hindu Festival Honoring Lord Krishsna

In this popular spring festival in northern India, the main ritual centers around a bonfire that symbolizes the destruction of evil. Jesus reminds us of Lord Krishna's promise:

"When to him for being bruised or broken at any age, he will come to you in his Electronic Presence at the same age as you were, place that Presence over you, and by your giving of those mantras to him he will bring that healing." (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 26).


Second Sunday of Lent (purple candle) 

Jewish feast of Purim

Ester's victory over the plot to destroy the Jews of Persia



Ascension Day of Beulah Heaney, Lady Master Beatitude (1971)

When Beulah was a child, an angel of God appeared to her, saying, "Beulah! Beulah! You have to make your ascension in this life!" Beulah led a life of service. She reared five children, worked hard, loved God and glorified him continuously. In her seventies, she joined the staff of The Summit Lighthouse. She worked joyfully in the kitchen.



Third Sunday of Lent (purple candle)



Saint Patrick's Day (Apostle of Ireland)

Saint Patrick (A.D. 389-461) is the patron saint of Ireland. The Ascended Master Saint Patrick emphasizes the importance of confession: "If the garment becomes stained, do confess your sins in a sealed letter to Almighty God...and let it be burned. Understand that confession, remission of sin, repentance does once again restore you to that alignment with the chalice of being who is Christ." (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no.16).



Feast of Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph, protector of Mary and Jesus, was an embodiment of our beloved Saint Germain, Chohan of the Seventh Ray. He says, "As many in the earth call to me as Saint Joseph, so I respond to that name....I can be called by any name...of any past incarnation." (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 26).



Vernal (Spring) Equinox

This is the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. Jesus was born in the spring, on the cusp of Pisces and Aries. But his birthday is celebrated on December 25 to counteract the satanic rites at winter solstice, the darkest time of the year.

Norooz (The New Day) - Zoroastrian  



Fourth Sunday of Lent (rose candle)



Surya's Day (see description under



Surya's Day



Feast of Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel, Angel of the Annunciation, serves on the Fourth Ray of purity. He and his divine complement, Archeia Hope, serve at the Temple of the Resurrection over the Holy Land and at the Ascension Temple in Luxor, Egypt.



Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord

Just as Archangel Gabriel announced the incarnation of Jesus to the Mother of our Lord, so at the soul level he tells all fathers- and mothers-to-be when it is time to conceive and bring forth children. Archangel Gabriel also teaches us that every child of God is destined to return to God through the ritual of the ascension.



Birth of Prophet Zarathustra (Khordad Sal)

Taoist Festival Honoring Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu, 6th century B.C. Chinese sage and mystic, is traditionally accepted as the founder of Taoism and author of the Tao Te Ching. Next to the Bible, it is the world's most frequently translated book. Tao means "way," "teaching" or the source of all being to which all things ultimately return.



Fifth Sunday of Lent (purple candle)



Ascension Day of Mary Lou Majerus, Lady Master Mary Lou (1893-1987)

Mary Lou was a devotee of Saint Germain and the violet flame. Early in this century, she trained with Guy and Edna Ballard, Messengers of the I AM Activity, and later joined the staff of The Summit Lighthouse.






Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under

El Morya's Birthday



Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday)

Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week and the Sunday before Easter, commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. A multitude carried branches from palm trees, spread them before him and shouted "Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord!" (John 12:13).



Birthday of Elizabeth Clare Prophet



Holy Thursday (the Last Supper)

Passover (Pesach)--Jewish Festival

Passover, "Festival of Unleavened Bread," is a joyous festival of freedom. It celebrates the Exodus of the Jews from bondage in Egypt and recalls that God "passed over" the houses of the Israelites when he slew the Egyptian firstborn males. As the Jews fled they ate unleavened bread, and from that time the Jews have allowed no leavening in their houses during Passover, bread being replaced by matzoh.



Good Friday

Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. "The violet flame," says Kuan Yin, "is the gift of Good Friday." She tells us that just as Jesus, through the alchemy of the Seventh Ray, brings the miracle of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, so he can transform your mind, your being, your flesh and blood, and your consciousness. (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 24)



Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil)



Easter Sunday

Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or next after March 21 and is therefore celebrated between March 22 and April 25 inclusive. This date was fixed by the Council of Nicaea.



Ascension Day of Paul the Venetian (1588)

The Ascended Master Paul the Venetian is Chohan of the Third Ray of God's Love. He was embodied as Paolo Veronese, a major artist of the 16th-century Venetian school.



Surya's Day (see description under

Earth Day



Surya's Day



Feast of Saint Mark (c. A.D. 74)

Saint Mark was an embodiment of the Messenger Mark L. Prophet (now the Ascended Master Lanello). Mark was the daring companion of the apostle Paul during Paul's first missionary journey. The apostle Peter called him "my son."



Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)

The Italian mystic Catherine of Siena is patron saint of Italy and Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church. Catherine's best-known work, The Dialogue, is a record of the conversations she had with God the Father while she was in ecstasy. In her intimate communion with God, Catherine came to understand the principle of dedicating one's life and service "to the glory of God." Catherine was an embodiment of the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet.






May Day Celebration of Mary, Mother of Jesus, as the Queen of May

Ascension Day of Saint Germain (1684)

Coronation Day

Saint Germain and Portia are crowned Hierarchs of the Aquarian Age (1954).

Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under

Mawlid an Nabi - Islam, birth of the Prophet Mohamed, peace be upon him



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day

Feast of St. Philip and James, Apostles



El Morya's Day (see description under

Wesak (Buddhist New Year Festival when the Sun is in Taurus and the full moon is in Scorpio)

Wesak is the celebration of Lord Gautama Buddha's birth, enlightenment and passing out of embodiment into parinirvana. Next to the birthday of Jesus Christ, Wesak is the highest holy day of our Church. Buddhists consecrate the day to devotional ceremonies, prayers, mantras and the performance of kind deeds in memory of Gautama's compassion. It is also the day to sacrifice the elements of your lower nature so that the higher nature of God may descend into your temple.



National Day of Prayer



Mother's Day

Observed on the second Sunday in May. This holiday was proposed by Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia in 1907.



Birthday of Sri Yukteswar (1855)

Sri Yukteswar was the Guru of Paramahansa Yogananda.



Anniversary of the First Appearence of Mother Mary at Fátima (1917)

Ascension Day of I. Denny Cree (1973)



Ascension Day

The Ascension of Jesus took place in the presence of his apostles 40 days after the Resurrection. It is traditionally held to have occurred on Mount Olive in Bethany.



Surya's Day (see description under



Surya's Day



Birthday of St. Padre Pio (1887)



First Day of Shavuot (Hebrew Pentecost)

This festival is sometimes called the Feast of Weeks, or of Harvest, or of the First Fruits. It falls 50 days after Passover and originally celebrated the end of the seven-week grain-harvesting season. It also celebrates the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai.



Jesus Calls His Disciples to the Path of the Ascension (1987)

Jesus calls us to walk the path of the ascension, to be world teachers and to galvanize ten thousand Keepers of the Flame.




On the seventh Sunday after Easter, we celebrate Pentecost, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus' disciples (Acts 2:1-11).

Feast of Saint Joan of Arc (1431)



Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth

Memorial Day - Observed

Observed as a federal holiday the last Monday in May. Gen. John A. Logan (Retired), commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, issued an order in 1868 designating the day as one on which the graves of soldiers would be decorated. The holiday originally honored the memory of those who died in the Civil War, but is now also now dedicated to the memory of everyone who has died in a war.






Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under



Trinity Sunday

In honor of the Holy Trinity.


Corpus Christi

In honor of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist.



Flag Day

Anniversary of the adoption of the American flag by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777.



Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus



Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 



Father's Day

Observed on the third Sunday in June. It was first celebrated on June 19, 1910.



New Age Celebration of Jesus' Ascension

At the age of 81, Jesus ascended on summer solstice from Shamballa, the retreat of Sanat Kumara.

Summer Solstice



Surya's Day (see description under



Surya's Day



Birthday of Saint John the Baptist



Feasts of Saints Peter and Paul






Canada Day

Canadian national holiday commemorating the anniversary of the proclamation of the establishment of the Dominion of Canada in 1867. Canadians celebrate with parades and festive events.


Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under

Guru Purnima

A Hindu celebration honoring all great spiritual teachers and the power of God that comes in the form of teacher (especially the ancient Gurus, in particular Sage Ved Vyas). A Guru is seen as a remover of darkness. It falls on the purnima, the full moon day in July.



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day

Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle

Saint Thomas, the great apostle called by Jesus to establish Christianity in India. The Gospel of Thomas is one of the earliest Christian texts that records the words of Jesus.



El Morya's Day (see description under

El Morya pegged the hour and the minute of the signing of the Declaration of Independence at exactly 5:13 p.m. on July 4, 1776. This is the conception of the United States. The birth of the United States occurred on April 30, 1789, when George Washington was inaugurated as president.

Independance Day (1776)



Feast of Saint Thomas More (1535)

Celebration of beloved El Moya as Saint Thomas More.



Memorial of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha

Mohawk Christian Blessed - saw the fullness for the Great Spirit in Christ, patroness of the environment and ecology



Birthday of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850)

Patron of Life, Mother Cabrini founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Italy and went forth to build colleges, hospitals, orphanages, day nurseries, free clinics and schools all over the Western Hemisphere.

Feast of Saint Bonaventure (1274)

Celebrate the Magnanimous Heart of Lanello in his embodiment as Bonaventure-- philosopher and theologian.



Birthday of Mary Baker Eddy (1821)

Founder of the Christian Science movement, now the Ascended Lady Master Theosophia, upholding the office of the Goddess of Wisdom. Embodied as Mary of Bethany at the time of Jesus.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel



Birthday of Padmasambhava



Surya's Day (see description under

Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

According to biblical narratives, Mary Magdalene was the woman who stood closest to Jesus. Embodied as the evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson, she lived a life of devotion to Jesus and was his instrument for the healing and conversion of many.



Surya's Day



Mahavatar Babaji Commemoration Day

Babaji stands with El Morya his longtime friend and is one with the violet flame Masters. The Himalayas are still blessed by the physical presence of the unascended Master Babaji. "Whenever anyone utters with reverence the name of Babaji, that devotee attracts an instant spiritual blessing."

Feast of St. James the Apostle



Saints Joachim and Ann, parents of Mary – Memorial



Feast of Saint Martha

Sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany, disciple of Jesus. As Martha was one of the incarnations of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, you can call to her Causal Body to establish a personal relationship with Jesus.






Lammas - Chatholic Christian First Fruits Celebration



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under



Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord



Anniversary of the Founding of The Summit Lighthouse



Feast of Saint Clare

Saint Clare, pupil of Saint Francis of Assisi and founder of the Order of the Poor Clares in Italy, was noted for her humility and the powerful force and efficacy of her prayers. The fervor of her devotion to Jesus kindled those who heard her voice.



Mother Mary's Ascension Day

Mother Mary, by the grace of her soul's initiations under the Cosmic Virgin, is the one anointed by God to bear to us the Christ in the person of Jesus.



Surya's Day (see description under

Feast of the Queenship of Mary

Mother Mary is venerated by Catholics as the Queen of Heaven. On this feast day give devotions to the Sacred Heart of Mary and meditate on her virtues and her inner life as well as her love for her Son.



Surya's Day






Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under



Labor Day



Birthday of Mother Mary

Mother Mary is the nearest and most dear incarnation of the Cosmic Virgin that we know. She reconnects our souls to the umbilical cord of the Cosmic Virgin.



Laylatul Méraaj (Islamic - Ascent of the Prophet)



Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

This feast day reminds us of Mary's compassion and suffering for her children.


Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)

Marks the beginning of the Ten Days of Penitence. God remembers all his creatures, and passes judgment on all human beings, thus determining their lot in the year to come. God summons the people for self-judgment, self-improvement and atonement.

Mexican Independence Day



Ganesha Chaturthi

This Hindu festival commemorates the birth of Ganesha, the son of Shiva (the Third Person of the Hindu Trinity). Ganesha, the god of wisdom and good fortune and the patron of learning and letters, is popular because he is gentle and helpful. Ganesha is depicted as an elephant-headed man to express the unity of man, the small being, with the Great Being, God. The Messenger teaches that the elephant-god Ganesha has the infinite memory of the Mind of God. Hindus believe Ganesha can remove obstacles, including obstacles to devotion. He is traditionally invoked before writing a book or at the beginning of any project.



Ascension Day of Lady Kristine (1979)

The Ascended Lady Master Kristine was embodied as Florence Jeannette Birnie-Visscher Miller. She joined the staff of the Summit Lighthouse in 1968. As head of the publishing department and a member of the Board of Directors of Church Universal and Triumphant, she was a pillar of strength and inspiration to all who knew her, always bringing self-discipline, creativity, dedication and a spirit of joy to her work.



Autumn Equinox

Autumn equinox signifies a turning of the cycles of the year. The light released from the hierarchies of the sun at the change of the seasons can be expanded by ascended and unascended beings serving together for the fulfillment of a cosmic purpose on earth as it is in heaven.

Surya's Day (see description under January)



Surya's Day



Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement)

The most solemn occasion of the Jewish year when, according to tradition, God seals the fate of every person for the ensuing year. Yom Kippur is also a period of fasting and prayer for forgiveness of sins and reconciliation between God and one's fellow man. It is the annual occasion when the high priest entered the Holy of Holies.



Mahasamadhi of Lahiri Mahasaya (1895)

Lahiri Mahasaya is counted among the unascended Gurus of the Great White Brotherhood. He lived in Benares, India, earned a modest salary and led a disciplined worldly life yet he was a Yogavatar or Incarnation of Yoga. His harmoniously balanced life as householder-guru demonstrated the way of the Christ and the Buddha. He encouraged his disciples to adhere to the good traditional discipline of their own faiths.

[Mahasamadhi means the maha, or great, samadhi, the last meditation, during which the master merges himself with the Cosmic Aum, usually at the time of transition.]


Birthday of Confucius (C. 551-479 B.C.)

The Ascended Master Confucius is the hierarch of the Royal Teton Retreat, the principal retreat of the Great White Brotherhood on the North American continent. The Retreat is located in the etheric octave over the Grand Teton near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Lifestreams from every continent journey there in their finer bodies while they sleep to attend the universities of the Spirit--courses of instruction given by Saint Germain and Lord Lanto as part of the courses offered by the Lords of the Seven Rays and the Maha Chohan for students pursuing the path of self-mastery on the seven rays.



Michaelmas (Feast of Archangel Michael)

This is the hour to give your all in gratitude for Archangel Michael's protection. Archangel Michael challenges us: "Remember, I AM the mountain mover! I move mountains with you. Call to me and see what mountain we together shall remove each day." Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 12.



First Day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

This festival is also known as the Feast of the Ingathering. It originally celebrated the fruit harvest. The name comes from the booths or tabernacles in which the Jews lived during the harvest. One tradition traces it to the shelters used by the Jews in their wandering through the wilderness. To commemorate this holiday, many Jews build small huts in their backyards or on the roofs of their houses. This is one of the oldest and most joyous of all the Jewish holidays.

Birthday of Lahiri Mahasaya (see September 26th)






Feast of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (1873-1897)



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under

Feast of the Guardian Angels

You have many guardian angels. Your Chief Guardian Angel is your Holy Christ Self, who directs all of the other guardian angels, and is your guide, your guardian and your friend.



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under

Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi (C. 1181-1226)

Saint Francis founded the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor in 1209 "to follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his footsteps." Saint Francis is known today as the Ascended Master Kuthumi. He has the dispensation to work with each of us individually for the healing of our psychology.



Anniversary of Bodhidharma (founder of Chinese Zen Buddhism)



Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary



Feast of Our Lady of Good Remedy

In 1198 Saint John of Matha founded the Trinitarians, who raised enough funds to free thousands of slaves through the miraculous assistance of Mother Mary. In gratitude, he honored her with the title Our Lady of Good Remedy.

Birthday of Aimée Semple McPherson (1890-1944)

Aimee Semple McPherson, the evangelist who founded the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, is known today as the Ascended Lady Master Magda. On November 22, 1990, Jesus announced that she had finally balanced 100 percent of her karma.



Columbus Day - Observed

Anniversary of the discovery of America. Christopher Columbus was an embodiment of Saint Germain.



Navarati (Sanskrit: "Nine Nights")

Festival honoring Hindu goddesses, including Sarasvati, Lakshmi and especially Durga. Durga is known as the fierce defender of her children, terrible and menacing to her enemies. She invites you to embrace her fierceness, "the fierceness to stay and still stay...until every last demon is bound."



Ramadan (Islamic Holy Month of Fasting)

Ramadan, one of the most sacred times of the year for Muslims, is a month of fasting, serious reflection and atonement.

Feast of Saint Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582)

Teresa of Avila was one of the greatest mystics of the Church. She wrote spiritual classics, including her masterpiece, The Interior Castle, and was the first woman to be made a doctor of the Church. Teresa once wrote: "God doesn't give himself completly until we give ourselves completly."



Feast of St. Luke

Simhat Torah - Rejoicing in the Law



Feast of Saint Hilarion (c. 291-371)

Saint Hilarion was the final incarnation of the apostle Paul. Hilarion spent twenty years in the desert to prepare for his healing ministry.



Surya's Day (see description under



Surya's Day



Feast of Archangel Raphael

Call to the Archangel of the Fifth Ray for truth, healing, constancy, abundance and wholeness.



Ascension Day of Clara Louise Kieninger (1883-1970)

Clara Louise worked devotedly in the field of nursing and founded the first school of nursing in Brazil, taking as her motto Ich Dien ("I serve"). In 1961 Saint Germain anointed her as the first Mother of the Flame of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. In the days of Lemuria, she served as a priestess at the altar of the Divine Mother and later embodied as the apostle James.



All Hallows Eve

Eve of All Saints' Day--in the Christian church, a day commemorating all saints. Formerly called All Hallows and Hallowmass, All Hallow's Eve was observed in medieval times as a holy or hallowed evening. It was later influenced by pagan rites and festivals and gradually became a secular observance called Halloween.







All Saints' Day

Commemorates all saints in the Christian Church. The Ascended Masters refer to the saints of East and West as the "entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood." (The term "white" refers not to race but to the aura of white light that surrounds these immortals, who have risen from every race and walk of life.) They are the great multitude of saints "clothed with white robes" who stand before the throne of God (Rev. 7).



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under

All Souls' Day

(The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed)

The Ascended Masters teach that with violet flame decrees and fervent calls to Archangel Michael we can assist souls caught on the astral plane after the transition called death. On All Souls' Day, Catholics give prayers for baptized Christians in purgatory who died without having fully atoned for past transgressions. They believe their prayers help these souls pass from purgatory to heaven. Every Friday night Keepers of the Flame around the world participate in the Order of the Golden Lily Ascension Service, dedicated to invoking the intercession of the Archangels to cut free those who have passed from the screen of life and to clear the astral plane of discarnate entities affecting our cities and households.

Election Day

By act of Congress in 1845, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November is designated for choosing presidential electors. State elections are also held on this day.



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under



Veteran's Day

Also known as Armistice Day. This is a federal holiday established in 1926 to commemorate the signing of the armistice in 1918, ending World War I. On June 1, 1954, the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor all men and women who have served America in its armed forces.



Divali (Hindu Festival of Lights)

A joyous festival, widely celebrated in India. Countless lighted lamps are hung on houses and temples and placed along the roads and rivers. To some they symbolize the light of holy knowledge and others believe they guide spirits of the dead to the "land of bliss." One of the several myths associated with Divali celebrates Lord Krishna's slaying of Narakasura, the "demon of hell."



Feast of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Patroness of Immigrants (1850-1917)

Mother Cabrini was the first American citizen to be canonized. She was born in Italy, where she founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart in 1880. Later Pope Leo XIII sent her to America to work among the Italian immigrants and in a few years she built dozens of hospitals, schools, orphanages and sanatoriums.



Eid-ul-Fitr (Islamic festival on the New Moon for the Termination of Ramadan Fasting)



Feast of the Presentation of Mary

According to apocryphal writings, Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was presented in the temple at Jerusalem at the age of three. Her parents placed her upon the first of the fifteen stairs symbolizing the initiations of the psalms of degrees (Psalms 120-134). Mary ascended the stairs one after another without assistance, showing that she had passed these initiations in other lives and was spiritually prepared to fulfill her mission.

Feat of Christ the King



Surya's Day (see description under

Memorial of St. Cecelia - Patroness of Sacred Music



Surya's Day

Birthday of Akbar the Great (1542-1605)

Some scholars believe that November 23 was the birthdate of Akbar, an embodiment of the Ascended Master El Morya. Akbar, the greatest Mogul emperor of India, was known for his military and administrative genius as well as his courage, compassion and wit. He looked upon the performance of his duties as an act of divine worship. In his devotion to the one God, he sought to reconcile the diversity of religious creeds.



Birthday of Pope John XXIII (1881-1963)

Pope John XXIII, now an Ascended Master, was one of the most beloved popes of modern times. He was renowned for his simplicity, humor, charity and warm personality. During his four-and-a-half-year reign, he brought about a new era in the Roman Catholic Church by his openness to change. He convoked the second Vatican Council and encouraged progressive trends in Roman Catholic thought.



Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev Ji (1469-1539)

Indian religious leader, founder of Sikhism



Thanksgiving Day



First Sunday of Advent (clearing the Etheric Body)

The first Sunday in Advent, the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas. Christians view Advent as a season of repentance and hope in preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. The Ascended Masters have dedicated the four Sundays of Advent to the clearing of the four lower bodies. Include in your service on the first Sunday of Advent calls for the clearing of the etheric body, the envelope of the soul that holds the blueprint of your divine plan.






Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day (see description under



Omri-Tas and Saint Germain's Day



El Morya's Day (see description under



Memorial of St. Nicholas



Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day


Second Sunday of Advent (clearing of the Mental Body)

The Ascended Masters have dedicated the four Sundays of Advent to the transmutation by the violet flame of records of karma lodged in the four lower bodies. In your service on the second Sunday of Advent, give violet flame decrees to clear the mental body.



Feat of Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary

Bodhi Day - Buddhist

Buddhist celebration of the time when Prince Gautama took his place under the Bodhi tree, vowing to remain there until he attained supreme enlightenment.

Hanukkah Begins (Jewish Feast of Lights or Feast of Dedication)

Hanukkah is a Hebrew term meaning "dedication." The festival commemorates the victory of the Jews over the Syrians in the second century B.C. and the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple had been defiled by the pagan altar and sacrifices of the king of Syria. When the Temple was rededicated there was only enough consecrated oil for one day, but miraculously the oil burned for eight days.



Memorial of St. Juan Diego



Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

In 1531 the Blessed Mother of our Lord appeared to Juan Diego on Tepeyac hill near Mexico City and instructed him to tell the bishop of her desire to have a church built there. As a sign to the bishop, Mother Mary miraculously imprinted a life-size image of herself on Juan Diego's cloak.

Third Sunday of Advent (clearing of the Emotional Body)

Give violet decrees to transmute the records of karma lodged in the desire (emotional) body.



Ascension Day of Patricia Johnson (1996)



Feast of Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591)

Sixteenth-century mystic Saint John of the Cross was a doctor of the Church and a spiritual revolutionary. He taught that the goal of the spiritual life is union with God through the living flame of Love. In the ascent to perfection, the soul passes through what Saint John of the Cross described as the dark night of the soul and the Dark Night of the Spirit.



Las Posadas (Mexican Festival)

Las Posadas is Spanish for "inns" or "lodgings." It is a nine-day pageant celebrating Mary and Joseph's journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem and Jesus' birth in the manger.



Fourth Sunday of Advent (clearing of the Physical Body)

Give violet flame decrees to transmute the records of karma lodged in the physical body.


Winter Solstice

First day of winter and the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The Dark Night of the Spirit in the earth takes place during the weeks preceding and following winter solstice. The Ascended Masters teach that everyone on earth receives a yearly final exam at summer and winter solstice.



Surya's Day (see description under



Surya's Day



Birthday of the Messenger Mark L. Prophet (1918-1973)

The Messenger Mark L. Prophet is now the Ascended Master Lanello. The story of his life and mission with The Summit Lighthouse is told in Mark's Movie.



Christmas Day



Feast of Saint Stephen, First Martyr

The Messenger explains that the Feast of Saint Stephen commemorates the transfer of the Holy Ghost heart to heart.

Ascension Day of Warren K. Carter (1920-1987)

The Ascended Master Warren Carter is living proof that after long centuries of devotion souls are making their ascension through the dispensation of the violet flame. A World War II pilot in this life, Warren was embodied with Richard the Lionhearted during the Crusades and was William Bradford, governor of Plymouth Colony.

Kwanzaa Begins

Kwanzaa is a celebration of life from 26 December to 1 January. Dr. Maulana Karenga introduced the festival for Afro-Americans in 1966 as a response to the commercialism of Christmas. Kwanzaa has similarities with Thanksgiving in the United States or the Yam Festival in Ghana and Nigeria. The word "kwanza" is a KiSwahili (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania) word meaning "first." Values that are central to the activities of the week include ingathering, reverence, commemoration, recommitment, and celebration.

Feast of the Holy Family



Feast of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist

Saint John, "the dicsiple whom Jesus loved," inscribed the book of Revelation as his Master Jesus dictated it to him. The angels of the Lord showed John visions of the future and the archetypal patterns of psychology that each soul must work through. He was the only disciple to ascend at the close of the Galilean mission.



Feast of the Holy Innocents



Feast of Saint Thomas Becket, Martyr (1118-1170)

Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury, was an incarnation of the Ascended Master El Morya. He was deeply devoted to the will of God and endured years of conflict with King Henry II over the rights of Church versus State. Becket was brutally murdered in his own cathedral by four knights who acted in response to Henry's desire to be rid "of this turbulent priest." For centuries after his death, pilgrims flocked to his tomb at Canterbury and Saint Thomas worked many miracles there.



Ascension Day of Godfre Ray King (1878-1939)

Godfre Ray King ascended on December 31, 1939. He was embodied as Guy W. Ballard, Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. He founded the I AM Activity in the early 1930s under the direction of Saint Germain. Under the pen name Godfre Ray King, Ballard wrote Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and The "I AM" Discourses. Among his other incarnations were Richard the Lionhearted and George Washington.


With excerpted descriptions posted with permission. Copyright ã 1999 Church Universal and Triumphant. All rights reserved.



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