The following are a sample of the topics currently available:


 The Ascended Maters' Way: an Introduction to the Teaching of the Brotherhood

The Path of the Ascension and the Walk We are Called To

The Mission of the Lightbearers: Are You Called?

Discerning Your Divine Plan

The Art of Practical Spirituality

Practical Spirituality II - How to Achieve Your Goals

The Creative Power of Sound and the Science of the Spoken Word

The Violet Flame and the Spirit of Forgiveness

Your Seven Energy Centers: A Holistic Approach to Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Vitality

Soul Mates and Twin Flames and the Spiritual Aspect of Relationships

Creative Abundance

The Cosmic Clock: a Discussion Concerning the Terrain of the Path We Travel

Spiritual Warfare and the Spirit of Harmlessness

Following the Way of the Christ

Applying the Path of the Buddha

The Five Dhyani Buddhas and the Integrated Being

The Divine Hierarchy and Our Connection to It

Angels: Our Guides, Protectors and Friends of Light

The Spirits of Nature and the Community of Life

What topics would you like to explore - let us know.


 Inquire by contacting us, join our mailing list for schedule updates, or visit Upcoming Events.





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