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Sacred Texts and other Resources


     Bhagavad Gita




     Buddhist Texts


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     Corpus Hermeticum


     Dead Sea Scrolls


     Edgar Cayce (directory of excerpts)


     The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Awakening)


     The Emerald Tablet of Hermes


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     St. Issa (The Lost Years of Jesus)


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     The Mahatma Letters (from Master M. and K.H.)


     Nag Hammadi Texts


     New Testament Apocryphal Acts


     New Testament Apocryphal Apocalypse


     New Testament Apocryphal Gospels


     Nostradamus, The Prophecies of


     The Odyssey (Homer)


     Old Testament Apocrypha


     Old Testament Pseudepigrapha


     Origen of Alexandria, works of


     Pilgram's Progress (John Bunyan)


     Pistis Sophia


     Practicing the Presence of God (Brother Lawrence)


     The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran


     Rosicrucian texts


     Secret Doctrine (Theosophy)


     Shinto Texts


     Sikh Texts


     Sun Tzu's Art of War


     Taoist Texts


     St. Teresa of Avila (Autobiography)


     St. Teresa of Avila (Interior Castle)


     St. Teresa of Avila (Way of Perfection)


     St. Theresa of Liseiux, The Little Flower of Jesus (Autobiography: The Story of a Soul)


     St. Theresa of Liseiux, The Little Flower of Jesus (poems of)


     Mother Theresa of Calcutta (words, works, and thoughts)


     Tibetan Book of the Dead (about)


     Tibetan Book of the Dead (text)


     Vivekananda, works of (Vedanta)


     Voice of the Silence (Theosophy)


     Paramhansa Yogananda (Autobiography of a Yogi)


     Paramhansa Yogananda (excepts of writings)


     Zoroastrian Texts






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