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Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising


Membership is open to all persons who are engaged in Fundraising (in a full time, part time or voluntary capacity) who agree to abide by the Institute's Code of Professional Ethics.

Categories of Membership

There are three categories of SAIF membership for which you may apply:

  1. Regular membership which is open to people who, when they apply, have substantially earned their livelihood through fundraising for a period of at least three years.
  2. Associate membership which is open to people who, when they apply, have substantially earned their livelihood through fundraising for a period of more than one year.
  3. Affiliate membership is granted to people who, by nature of their positions in industries or organisations serving the profession, do not qualify for regular or associate membership. This category includes people who serve as volunteers.

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Benefits to Members

Education, training and development through short term courses, conferences and one-day seminars, organised by the SAIF National Council and its branches.

International Conventions - Presently held every two years where members are exposed to local and overseas trends in fundraising.

Membership of the World Fundraising Council - SAIF is a founder member, and now has access to fundraising expertise and resources from developed nations. SAIF members will receive special discounts at WFC events.

Standards and Ethics - The framework offered by the SAIF Code of Professional Ethics to which all SAIF members are held accountable. This code regulates fundraising practice and sets standards for the profession in South Africa and is based on those used by similar institutes in the United States of America and Britain.

Representation on National Issues - SAIF is the only organisation representing the fundraising profession in South Africa.  It speaks on behalf of members on issues such as the Fundraising Act, Tax Laws, postal rates and other legislation.

Recognition - As members are allowed to use the name of SAIF in correspondence and as SAIF receives recognition from the employer bodies, the corporate sector and the general public, membership adds credibility to members' organisations.

Forum - SAIF provides frequent opportunities for members to discuss and consult on matters of mutual interest, exchange ideas and share the benefits of experience.

Easy Reference - Members are able to obtain guidance and advice on fundraising matters and gain access to recognised and experienced member fundraisers and consultants.

Literature - SAIF National Office and the Regional Branches produce and circulate periodic newsletters concentrating on issues of national and local interest to the profession.

Mentorship -  Members who meet certain additional criteria may be invited by SAIF to act as Mentors to new entrants to the profession.

Tax Concession - The annual subscription to SAIF is nominal.  Membership subscriptions are recognised by the Receiver of Revenue as a tax-deductible expense.

Discounts - Members pay discounted rates on conventions, seminars, talks and social activities.

Journal - The SAIF journal is free for all paid-up members

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Membership Fees

A registration fee is payable when first joining SAIF together with a membership fee.

Registration Fee 2000


Membership Fee 2000


Total due


The membership fee is renewable each year.  All members receive a reminder when membership fees are due.

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Application Form

If you would like to join SAIF, please print out and complete the Membership Application Form.  When it has been completed, mail it to:

The National Co-ordinator
P.O. Box 1360

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