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Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising

Constitution: Contents Page

This table of contents refers to the main section headings of the Constitution of the Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising.  The constitution shown in these pages is a replica of the present Constitution as amended except for alterations, such as hypertext links, afforded by the electronic medium. (Last amendment, 8 October 1997).

New members automatically receive a copy of the full constitution.  If anyone else would like a copy, please contact our National Office and you will be sent one, free of charge.

1.  Name and legal personality

2.  Area of operation

3.  Objects

4.  Powers

5.  Policy

6.  Membership

7.  Affiliates

8.  The Council

9.  Meetings of Council

10.  Meetings of members

11.  Proceedings at annual meetings

12.  Notices of meetings

13.  Voting

14.  Officers

15.  Sub-committees

16.  Standing committees

17.  Code of Professional ethics

18.  Record of proceedings

19.  Accounts and finances

20.  Dues

21.  Staff

22.  Branches

23.  Resignation and expulsion of members

24.  Amendments to the constitution and rules

25.  Interpretation of constitution and rules

26.  Dissolution

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