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Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising

Code of Professional Ethics

1.  We will associate only with organisations and agencies employing ethical fundraising methods, pursuing worthwhile purposes and meeting needs demonstrably valid and consistent with the enhancement of human welfare.

2.  We will provide our fundraising services only for a salary paid to us as employees of an organisation or agency on whose behalf we work to raise funds or as retained consultants on the basis of a specified fee determined prior to the commencement of the fundraising endeavour in respect of which our services are retained.

3.  We will encourage and give our full support to the provision of education and training of the highest practicable standards for those responsible for fundraising activities and do our utmost to improve technical and other performance standards within the profession; we will foster the sharing of ideas, experiences and practices so as to contribute as we can to the common pool of fundraising knowledge, to the good of organisations and agencies on whose behalf fundraisers work, and to the success of the causes and the welfare of the people such organisations and agencies seek to serve.

4.  We shall, among other things in respect of any organisation or agency we professionally serve:

5.  We will in good faith co-operate with fellow practitioners in curbing malpractice and eliminating unethical and undesirable conduct within or impinging upon the fundraising profession and in particular will oppose and will not be party to:

(a) misrepresentation in any form including exaggerated claims of past achievements or offers or promises to raise unobtainable sums of money;

(b) contracts or undertakings for fundraising services on the basis of a guarantee in respect of results or compensation in any form for the non-achievement of declared financial objectives, or involving:

(c) payments in cash or kind made to an employee, officer, trustee or advisor of an organisation or agency as a compensation for using influence in respect of the engagement of fundraising counsel.

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