First and most important:  YOU are the most important ingredient in any spell.  It's important to remember that we create our own reality.  You will find this in a ton of esoteric literature like the Seth books and Conversations with God to name just two.  There are many more and you can find a few on the Library page.  Now - with that said I will put in a few spells and there will be more added over time.  I find that     certain conditions and props can help you focus on your desired goal.  The spells listed here are just a beginning.  You can find them in many places and eventually you will devise your own.  Those can often be the best ones.

There is something called the Wiccan Rede and it is not something to take lightly with respect to spells - even if you're not Wiccan.  I am not specific to any religion so I will give you some thoughts I have about spell work which paraphrase some of the Rede.  Essentially you want to make sure to approach your spell work with the good of all in mind. 
"And it harm none, do what you will".  People say that what you send comes back to you three fold or ten fold...whatever.  For those fond of the Bible you might think of it as reaping what you sow.  I do not believe that it is wrong to do spells, just give it thought and do not undertake it lightly.  I never do spells to harm anyone.  For instance, in attempting to get someone to leave you alone:  You would want to wish them peaceful exit from your life and happiness and peace elsewhere - that sort of thing - not wish any pain on them etc.  Try to wish peace for all involved in the spell.  If you can do that and be sincere you'll be okay.

Love Spells
Money Spells
Protection Spells

I am putting some of the most simple spells on this site - obviously there are many spells to use for certain situations.  For some people who come to me for readings I include a spell for them to try if I think it will help.  Now - many people come to me and ask me to do spells for them.  I explain to these people that YOU are the best one to do your spell.  I make the odd exception and charge only for materials.  If lack of access to materials is your only reason for wanting me to do the spell - not to worry.  I'm sure you can find somewhere in your area to get supplies from or you can substitute. 


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