The Library 

Here  are some books I have found useful on my own quest for knowledge of the spiritual and unknown.  And some I just like.

Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue
By Neale Donald Walsch

Suppose you could ask God the most puzzling questions about existence, and God would provide clear, understandable answers?  It  happened to Neale Donald Walsch. Conversations with God is Neale  Donald Walsch's  account of his direct conversations with God, beginning in 1992 while Walsch was immersed in a period of deep depression.  He composed a letter to God in which he vented his  frustrations, and much to his surprise, even shock, God answered him.

Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain
An introduction to the art of using mental energy to transform and improve health, prosperity, relationships and fulfillment of desires. Provides easy-to-follow exercises,  meditations, affirmations & other techniques to tap into the natural goodness and beauty of all life.

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind 
by Dr. Joseph Murphy

Chapter after chapter, this astounding book combines ancient wisdom with modern science to bring its  readers not only new insights but actual techniques they can use in daily living.

Practical Intuition by Laura Day
Laura Day has tutored Deepak Chopra, George Soros, Demi Moore, and hundreds of others to make use of their own intuitive powers. It's a power we all have, a power that anyone can use--some call it "gut instinct," others the "sixth sense."

Wicked - The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
By Gregory MacGuire

The OZ story turned upside by telling it from the perspective of the Witch;  a surprisingly sympathetic protagonist.   A lot  of wisdom to be found here - as well as a good read.

How to Meditate : A Guide to Self-Discovery
By Lawrence LeShan

This simple, straightforward yet powerful guide has already helped hundreds of thousands of people reap the greatest rewards of meditation. Lawrence LeShan's easy-to-follow and realistic approach allows you to bring meditation effortlessly into your life, no matter how busy you are, or how great the demands on your time are.

The Princessa - Machiavelli for Women
By Harriet Rubin

There's a sidelong sensibility at work in this post-feminist analog to the Renaissance's great work of strategy. Harriet Rubin urges women to triumph by turning their enemies into allies and their fear into power; by enlarging their sphere rather than defending it; and by learning to best instead of win.

Mister God, This is Anna - By Fynn
I have no idea where I found this book, but it was just the thing I needed to read.  It was a beautiful story and one that made all kinds of sense to me.  I whipped through it in about an hour and a half and so will you.  I wish I'd known Anna.  I wish we all could.

The Celestine Prophesy - By James Redfield

Okay kids, I won't  lie to you.  It is a horribly written book.  The plot is ridiculous and the style - let's not go there.  However, that being said, it does have some merit (in my humble opinion) as an explanation about energy fields and auras and a few other esoteric bits that can be tough to explain.  I wish the poor man had just given us the insights as "found" in his fictional manuscript.  That would've been easier, but you'll  have to ferret them out from the book.

How to Get What You Really, Really, Really, Really Want.
Audio tape By Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra
I absolutely loved this tape.  They are both very humorous and yet the serious points are so well made and easily understood.  I felt    better and more empowered just listening to it.


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