Elphaba is the name of the witch in Gregory Macguire's Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. When Dorothy triumphed over the so-called Wicked Witch of the West in Frank Baum's tales, we heard only Dorothy's side of the story. The Wicked Witch everyone thinks they know is the predictable, green-faced villainess straight out of MGM's imagination. But there's more to the story than that. Where did the Wicked Witch come from? How exactly was she wicked? Why shouldn't she want her sister's charmed shoes? And, most important, what is the true nature of evil? I feel a real affinity for this character because of her personality and because of my own beliefs about magick and spells.
My name is Lisa and I have been aware of my gifts for over 10 years. I use oracles such as Tarot and Runes, but rely mainly on my natural psychic abilities for readings. My most common method of getting information is clairaudience which means I hear spirit as I read for you. I frequently use clairsentient abilities during a reading as well. This means that I feel things that help me read for you - this is especially helpful if I am reading someone else in your life. I also use clairvoyance which means that I see a vision of a person or event or sometimes a symbol that we need to interpret.
Everyone is psychic and only needs to learn how to use and trust their own abilities. A reading is helpful when you don't feel you can be objective or are too close to the situation.
I offer accurate answers to your questions in a straightforward manner. I will give advice for your life, based on what I see and feel around you, now and in the future. As Yoda says, "Always in motion is the future". Therefore, by knowing what is coming up in our lives, we can use the knowledge and insight readings provide to better shape our lives, our relationships with others, and create the kind of reality we choose.
I can read on others in your life, and provide insight on your relationship with them. I read their energies and what is at work in their lives, giving you information on what they are thinking, feeling, and where their current path will take them.
If I can be of help to you please contact me for a reading. You can look below and page me if I am online now.
I look forward to hearing from you. Namaste!