

Psychic reading online, clairvoyant. tarot

Psychic reading online, clairvoyant. tarot

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Psychic Tarot Reading  (In-depth)Email: $60 
Phone: $100

Psychic tarot readings provide a look into   
your future, and specific situations facing   

you  today.  I use my clairvoyant and
clairaudient gifts along with the tarot to
Peek into your future and the future of those
around you.  These are several pages (email)
or 30 minutes in chat or by phone.

Mini Psychic Tarot (email): $35
A mini reading gives you the          opportunity to try out a reading for a minimal fee.  You  will find these   useful for looking at one or two     specific questions in detail.

Psychic reading online, clairvoyant. tarot

So you want to give a reading a try. What exactly are you in for? Before you waste any  time, read this:

A reader cannot always be 100% accurate for you. An ethical reader will tell you this. If anyone makes this claim, be cautious. The information is likely correct but it is
being filtered through another fallible human person. No matter how unbiased a reader trains himself to be, the interpretation of the information is still slightly colored by the perception, perspective, opinion, and psyche.   Through reader feedback I have been told I am very accurate, but I figure only "God" is 100%. 

An ethical reader will tell you that you are in control of your life. Good or bad
information can be hindered or changed by you. A reading is not set in stone and should be considered along with other reliable sources of information.
An ethical reader would never foster dependence "You must come back until we
resolve this" or "Don't make a move without me" is a no-no. Before you waste money on a co-dependent or greedy psychic, give your money to someone that can really help you: a therapist.

Lastly, be very cautious of a reader who claims that you have been the victim of a curse (or that demons are inside of you or a dark cloud is over you) and for a mere hundred (or thousand) dollars they will rid you of this encumbrance. Bull. Anything a reader says they can do for you, you can do for yourself for free.
The truth, boys and girls, is this: No one absolutely needs a reading, ever. A reading is sought for entertainment, curiosity, warnings, confirmation or insight. A reader cannot give you the meaning of life or "fix" you and it is not their responsibility to make an attempt.  All they should want to do is warn you what is coming up and give you
advice if you ask for it.

Now what about payment? Be cautious of the "Psychic to the Stars' who charges hundreds of dollars. For that price they better be able to tell me my body measurements five hundred miles away. They better be one incredible reader, I'm talking
celestial knowledge. But would an angel charge a thousand? All readers dip into the same place to access information so why the lofty price? A high price doesn't
necessarily mean a better reading. Try it and see.  The truth is a reader deserves to be compensated. You're   paying them not necessarily for their gifts as much as for their time. The price should be affordable. My prices reflect what I believe is fair. I don't know about the rest of the world but they reflect the going rate around here. For
private appointments it is paid at the conclusion of the reading. For long distance phone readings a check or money order is needed up front, at least for the first time.

A good reading requires good chemistry. I can't read for everybody and I may not be the reader for you. It's important for you to comfortable in order to be open to the reading.  If you have any questions please email me and I'll do my best to answer them.