Manifesting is the art of creating what you want at the time that you want it. Many are becoming aware that you create your own reality. You often wonder how you can create those things that give you more pleasure and a sense of fun in life. Many doubt their ability to have and create what they want because life seems to be filled with those things that they don't want, or feel that they didn't ask for.
Each and every object and event in your life has been created by you, whether or not you are conscious of the fact. Reality is the result of the mass consciousness of all souls that are here. Each and every event in your life can be traced back to a belief and emotion that originated the impulse for it to manifest itself into reality as you experience it at present. Beings at a higher level have mastered emotions and thoughts and can therefore direct their energies with precision and clarity so that they may create what they want in an instant. We are also learning this skill in this lifetime and you can choose to change what you experience in your reality at any moment you wish to.
If you have experienced many situations in your life that are less than pleasing to you, take a close look at what you believe about yourself. Do you believe that you are worthy of love, health and abundance. Or do you doubt the existence of love and peace, or believe that these are things for other people, people who are maybe in some way more spiritual, kinder or better than you are. like yourself, others may be better off, in your terms, but they are not better than. Many of you claim that it is not your beliefs that have created your experiences, but it is that the world is a certain way, beyond your control. In this way, many become the fulfillers of their own prophecies. An event confirms a belief, and the belief creates another event.
Instead of getting caught up in what you have created in the past, you can work on releasing any of the pain you may have experienced and decide right now, at this moment, to start creating more of what you want in life.
Once you have identified what it is you want to have, write down any ideas you have about how to create it in your life. Think about the essence of what it is you wish to have and develop bring those qualities into your life. If you have decided to stop smoking for example, you may be thinking about being more grounded or the ability to breath deeper and feel your emotions without having fear of them. Practice doing these things and imagine your home being filled with the scent of flowers and being able to take in the breath of life fully, without hesitation or fear. You may be wishing for more money. Imagine yourself doing all the things you love doing and see how your love and enthusiasm spill over and reach those that you can be of service to. See yourself being paid for doing that which you love to do and see those that you serve being enriched by your services.
Visualization is a powerful way of bringing new things and forms into your life. If once you set a goal, start a diary or journal, and visualize having what it is you want every day. Choose a time once or twice per day when you know that you will not be disturbed and visualize the thing you want. You may wish to pray or to create sacred ceremonies around your visualization, write your own song or mantra. Do this each day for 90 days, and your life will be filled with miracles!
We will soon have some detailed information up on various techniques like visualization and mantras etc..