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The word Chakra is Sanskrit for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers in the body.  Each of these centers corresponds to major nerve ganglia branching from the spinal column.  In addition, the chakras also correspond to levels of consciousness., elements, stages of life, colors, sounds, body functions and much more.  Below is a brief description of each chakra.

Root Chakra:  Groin. Keeps maintenance of our bodies and retains us in our present form. Center for combining the earthly and universal energies within the body. It is from this station that all other chakras can be opened to their fullest. Its color is Red. If blocked, over-aggressiveness, paranoia, self-destruction and low self-esteem can be attributed. This is the base of the chakras.

Spleen Chakra: Abdomen. Relations, identity, empathy and social interaction. It's color is Orange. A blocked chakra can make a person antisocial, poor sexual relations and dysfunction and incapable of expressing and feeling emotions

Solar Plexus Chakra: Navel. The center for movement. Aids in astral projection, objects bending or moving to your will. It's color is Yellow. If unbalanced, your energy can leak destructive forces or your energy can be "stolen". It is the first place attacked by unwitting people to whom you usually cannot say "no" to.

Heart Chakra: Chest. Inner wisdom and knowledge, sending and receiving love. It's color is Green with Pink. Opening of this chakra is essential to the seeker. Through this you meet your guides and teachers. Only these guides can help you. "As in your heart, you will know" is what a clear chakra is all about.

Throat Chakra: Communication, mental, written and oral skills. Its color is Blue. If you feel a tightness in your throat most of the time, it is a good indication that this is blocked. As with a radio, tuning and reception must be clear to receive its signal.

Third Eye Chakra: Forehead. "Third eye" allows you to see future events, auras, faeries, secret friends and allows you to penetrate other higher realms. Its color is Violet. Children have this open and as adults we tend to "close off" or block this center.

Crown Chakra: Located as it sounds at the top of the head. This is where all knowledge from the Universe is drawn, "The All-Knowing" source. It's color is White. The blocking of this renders you incapable of drawing upon the sources of knowledge and your own divinity. It is in this state that perception is altered. Time, good & evil, priority. This is where perception of unity and wholeness of all things and the interconnecting relationships that exist between all things is acquired.

*Cleansing of your chakra is vital. It epitomizes the "domino effect". If one is blocked, the others cannot function clearly. A simple practice involves utilizing the colors associated with each station and visually "cleansing" each one. Starting from the bottom, imagine the color you have chosen surrounding you. Let it fill your body. As it fills, little brushes are cleaning the impairment. See it all drop and dissolve until the color is rich and warm all around you. Holes, rips, and tears are all mended. Do this with each chakra center letting the debris dissolve and fall away. Next, start at the top. Open it fully allowing the universal or cosmic energy to invade and surround you. Again, see those little brushes cleansing off the barnacles and debris and releasing them from your head to your feet in the same manner as above. See its color warm and rich and again, all holes, rips and tears mended. At all times, remain still and centered. Now see both the feet and the head mixing and swirling in its rich colors. If you feel a misalignment, concentrate on that center and again repeat the steps. It may be difficult for you at first, but patience is needed.  ICQ: 10684467  Phone: 416-686-7077