How E-Mail Classes Work Here At APLG
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How To Enroll

There are no charges for these classes.
  1. You must be a member of our group to take a class.  You can do this by enrolling, just below on the form, with  Why?  This puts you on an e-list (an e-mail list), that we affectionately call 'The Lunch Room'.  This is where all notices are posted for class.  This is where the enrollment forms appear.
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  1. When an enrollment form appears for a class you want, click reply (carrying the note with you), fill it out and click send.  Here's what an enrollment form looks like:

APLG's class on herbal preparations is now accepting enrollment.  The class notes can be found at: 

Class is scheduled to begin on March 16, 1999.  Enrollment will close on March 14, 1999. 

To enroll type your e-mail address below between the lines. 
 you would type your e-mail address here 

Thank You and Enjoy! 

  1. You only need to do this once.  But, if you can't remember whether or not you did, go ahead and fill it out again.  We will catch double enrollments.
  2. What if I can't carry the message over (such as in some WebTV set ups)?  Then you'll need to write this out and send it back in.  I know, a pain, that's why we tried to keep it a short note.  It's important that you fill in these forms so we know what class you wish to take.
Before Class Begins

  1. We close enrollment about two days before class begins so we have time to set up the class rooms and get everything in order.  No matter how well we do this, there will always be little snags.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING OR GO ANYWHERE.  These classes are held on another e-list.  We automatically place you in the list all you need to do is read your e-mail.
  2. We will take a roll call which you must respond to.  You will see tags in your subject lines that look similar to this [PLGC1].  This lets us know that everyone is there.  If we are missing someone, we will post a note in The Lunch Room trying to find you.  If you know class has started and you don't see these subject tags, write a note in the lunch room.  We'll try to catch you ASAP and get you in.
  3. Some of you wish to create another e-mail address for classes only.  We understand that.  During set up you will also see a notice to let us know of the e-mail address you want to use.  As soon as we get these we will delete your old address from the class and add your new address in.
During Class

  1. Each teacher will have a basic format that they follow, but each class will, of course, have a different flavor.  As the teacher posts information they will label it 'Discussion Topic #: (where the # is followed with a number) followed by a one word discussion topic title.  (Example:  Discussion Topic #1:  Precautions.)  Here they will share more information then what's posted in the class notes.  Each class may have several topics to cover.  For example, the first class on herbalism contains five subject topics.
  2. After the teacher has posted the Discussion Topic.  The floor is opened to the students ON TOPIC (please refrain from chat - the lunch room is the place for that).  You can post questions, answers, statements, concerns - what ever you would like.  When the discussion settles down, the teacher will post the next topic and the floor will again be open.  Each teacher has their own agenda and schedule, however, we do like to keep things rolling.
When Class Is Over

  1. As soon as class is over the room will be emptied (to get ready for the next class).  Again, YOU don't have to do anything, you will automatically be removed from that e-list.
  2. In about 1 - 2 weeks you will receive a personal post from The Live Oak Church.  This will be a private URL that you can go to and 'pick-up' your certificate of completion.  They are very nice, something to be proud of.  All you need to do is print it out.  Your certificate will stay posted for about 30 days and then will be removed.
What If I Don't Have A Printer?

  1. Well, the first and easiest thing to do is to find a friend that does.  WE STRONGLY SUGGEST THIS.  But, if you can't, the Live Oak Church will mail both class notes and certificates to you.  Following are the rates they charge and a Universal Money Exchange program for you to use.
USA Funds
Canada / Mexico
Class Notes (per page) / price includes shipping
Completion Certificate / price includes shipping
Mail Payment To:        The Live Oak Experiential Church
                                   307 W. Wolf Ave.
                                   Elkhart, IN 46516 - USA
        Make sure you state exactly what you need, and please include your full mailing address.  If you also include you e-mail you will be notified of receipt and additionally notified when it's been mailed.
The Universal Currency Converter

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