Welcome to the APLG's Staff Room

      Glad you stopped by!  This is Reverend L'Mat (my husband) and myself (Reverend Dawn's Heart).  We are both pleased to see you here.
     Now if you'll follow me I'll introduce you the rest of APLG's Volunteer Staff and Teachers.

Staff Members

      I'd like to introduce you to Nepholae Besom our Concierge and kitty Selene.  He was APLG's first volunteer Staff Member and took a huge load off my shoulders by greeting all the new people and making them feel welcome.  And yes, Nephie, even though you are our first Concierge, you are the best.  Nephie, could you tell us a little about yourself?
     Well, I've been an eclectic Witch for 16 months.  I'm a registered nurse by trade (but like other trade too, if you know what I mean).  I'm a voracious reader, with a love of learning and of life.  I live in natural bush environment with an open heart, mind and soul.  I'm happily married to a wonderful man who supports and nurtures me in all my endeavors.  I am still learning on this wonderful road, but have much to share as well. 
     Next to enlist was StillJohn, as the Editor-N-Chief of the APLG's News Letter.  I've worked with StillJohn before, and so, I'm excited to be working with him again.  He and I have been friends for over a decade (yes, StillJohn, it's been that long).  StillJohn what would you like to say to our guest?
Professionally, I do job coaching for persons with disabilities as well as mainstream staffing/HR . . . by night, I'm a novelist (horror, sci fi, fantasy, and speculative fiction) and am, to quote Douglas Adams, "mostly harmless." 
     Well, there you are Becca, glad you could make it.  She's still learning the ropes as Teaching Coordinator and so not quite as visible, but I know she's going to be GREAT at the job (she has to be, she's another Gemini like me).  Tell our guest a little about yourself.
I am your everyday nuclear melt down . . . according to Foxy.
     I was given the name Robin, but I am mostly known (by my closest friends) by my magickal name, Becca.  I am 33 and a mother of 2 very interesting boys.  I have been Wiccan for about 8 years.  I have practiced solitary until recently.  
     I am also a singer.  One of my craziest dreams (being Gemini I have them a lot!) is to do a recording of pagan/wiccan music.  sorry I am not very interesting to the written word, but if you have a chance to meet me in 
person .... LOOK OUT!!!  I am a little crazy and freaky ...... Ok before I get a lot of e-mail ..... I am a lot crazy and freaky.  Just ask around. 
     Our Assistant Editors should be here shortly as well.  They are MareWindrider, Raven Moon and Shadoe (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone).


     The first teacher to volunteer was my good friend Simon Timothy Fatima, unfortunately he hasn't arrived yet either, but I know he'll be along shortly.
     This is the lovely WebWeaver, one of our esteemed teachers and someone I'm really hoping to get to know better as time goes by.  I am so looking forward to her classes.  WebWeaver, a few words for our guest?
...For Six and Thirty years, born, I had lived near a dormant volcano that I know quietly slumbers in Central Victoria, Australia.  I journey with the spirits and guides of the Mountain and the Spirits of the land... 
I now abide in Sydney, meeting and learning much from the people  here.  Honoring all aspects and teachings of the land and her people, I follow several paths.  Healing is the basis of many of the paths that I follow, I am a teacher of Reiki, and have a love of healing and the many different techniques, such as Re-Birthing, Reiki, Seichim, Chiron, Shamanic drumming, and using crystals.  I am a teacher, but forever the student, listening and learning from all I meet, and sharing what I have learned with an open mind, and open heart. 
     Having said all that, and you're still reading ... I greet thee!  I have been working in the human services field for about 15 years.  I am also a qualified: ReBirther / Counselor.  Bowen Therapist, Seichim Therapist, Chiron Therapist  Facilitator of Spiritual Development. 
      This is Ash, basking in the winter warmth.  She will be teaching how to charge artistic items and ritual tools.  For many years this happened naturally to everything she made, now, understanding what she did, she's going to teach us how.  Ash, could you say a few words to our guest?
 um, um, oh-whata-loon-I-am.
I've been Pagan for at least 8 years now and am Experiential.  I have a passion for Dragons, Unicorns, and well this list can go on forever.  I am currently working for my BFA in drawing, although I dabble through the whole realm of visual arts.  I'm a Leo, I enjoy sun sets . . .  NO don't print that! 
     Raven Moon has also agreed to do some teaching and so has MareWindrider.  Anyone can teach at APLG, check out the teacher's page to learn what you need to do.  Now I'll be happy to show you back to the our Main Page.  Come back and see us again.
Page Created:  03/14/99
Last Update:  03/19/99

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