APLG's Site Grimoire
Many of the group members
have wonderful ideas, and so, I've decided to create this Grimoire for
everyone's enjoyment. Here we will post ritual ideas, meditations,
artwork, recipes, poetry and much more. Come back often as I will
update often. If you'd like to share something, just post to the
group and find out how everyone feels about seeing it. I'll be lurking.
Blessed Be
Reverend Dawn's Heart
Created on: 03/04/99
Last update: 04/05/99
For good books on Witchcraft and Grimoires,
check our Affiliates . . .
or Barnes & Noble.
Table of Contents
One of the classes we
offer from time-to-time is on building a Grimoire. This e-book is
organized in the same fashion that we teach people to create their own.
There are three main 'books': Information
| APLG Personal | Spiritual.
Each of these 'books' is further divided into three sections for ease
in finding the information you desire.
This main Table of Contents
will show you everything that is contained herein. Each section will
also house a Sectional Table of Contents for your convenience. Please
enjoy the information.
Pages On This Site:
to the Top | Home Page |
Basic Page Index | Campus
Bookstore | Class List
| E-Mail Class Instruction Site
Grimoire | Our Tribute to The Goddess
| News Letter | APLG Staff
| Teacher's Info |
Chat Instruction
Herbalism 101 (preparation)
| PathWorking | Ritual
Other Sites Linked To From Here:
Oak Church | eGroups.com
| Goddess
2000 Project | Wiccan
Using: GoTo.com
| Amazon.com
| Barnes & Noble
| QSound |
Reel.com |