We Pervade Your World
Learn to love, Learn to give,
We few, we happy few, this band of littermates!
Who's a robot?
Who isn't! We have been here for many of your puny Earth years, but for us just a few short nano-zorbs. We have spread out across your planet and taken on lives just like ordinary consumers.
Here are some robot profiles:
- Thomas Mortensen Tivvonen [robot name; Tombotron], gradualate of a small college in Mainz, he works amongst you in New York, at a reputable non-German publishing house.
- Timothy Makepeace Church [robot name: The Ensnuffalizer], he is accomplished, he played lacrosse at Hamtown-Sidney College in Virginity, then he got master's and doctorate in semiotics from University of Milan (Italy!).
- Judith Monckton Kellner [robot name: Lady Lushiss], another doctor, but she knows all about teen psychological disorders, she lives in New Hampshire.
- Rent Benderbow [robot name: Rent Bowerbend], is a quality control and consumer affairs liason for NewsCorp. His background is sketchy at best, dodgy at worst. His politics are to the left of creepy but to the right of spooky.
- Katrina Louise "Kitty" Hoorvath [robotname: Khoorva], just graduated from Lawn Park High School in Lawn Park, Nebraska, and will be attending the Air Force Academy in the fall. She wants to be an astronaut but thinks that wiccans are pretty okay too.
- Texas Millionaire Denny Sharping [robot name: Michael Stipe], is a performance artist in New York's Greenwitch Villas, a planned and gated community on Long Island. Although he drives to work each day he wishes to ensure everybody that he is not Annie Sprinkle
- Spangmar Unterbooten-Moakonnen [robot name: Manny], this virile "Swede" enjoys "Square Pegs" and "Tales of the Gold Monkey." Don't mess with him!
- Dan Musselburgh Larkensen [robot name: Deuteronomicus], is a professional minor-league hockey player in an unnamed New England exurb. Dan fills his finest hours with filately, numismatism, rodeo, popular music, hamburger sandwiches, and you.
This just a taste for now (must have explicit robot approval to expose them on the public like this).
NEW!!! See pix of the 'bots and their pals!
Delve into our robot roots! We're inviting you inside to share.
Correct your reckless mistakes with our advanced science.
Remember that old adage forewarned is forescared? Well, it's true.
If you would like to out your robot self and have not already made contact, my machine awaits your special words.
The lobby is still open.
Are you familiar with seasoning affective disorder?
Is that a spider that lay down beside yer?
Are you concerned with getting the most from your entertainment dollar?
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Never underestimate the power of a vengeful robot, or a marvelous one!
have discovered their robot neighbors since 20 June 1999
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