Look into the Face of Fear!

hottronics - 11/21/00 01:01:34
Current Location: pa
Super Power: esp
Rock Steady: oh hell ya
Prison, Death, or Servitude: death

great sight. robots rule and someday they will run the world... Thats it no gore no bush get a robot it couldn't get worse!

tatz - 09/03/00 20:15:52
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): R2D2
Fave Primate: does a gibbon count?!

ok, check out wicked webdiary!! www.lisasdiary.com its a must see for any cool person!! spread the word. it rox. and dont forget to sign the guestbook, saying that TATZ recomended it! sorted

Danny Chambers - 07/06/00 21:41:38
My URL:http://www.happyrobot.net/danny
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): Toast-R-Oven
Current Location: earth-towne
Super Power: ability to squash bugs
Rock Steady: mobbin
Prison, Death, or Servitude: accidental farting
Fave Primate: Al's Gores

happy birthday america 2000 robots!

danny - 02/23/00 03:57:11
My URL:http://www.happyrobot.net
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): bun-bot
Current Location: near that place where the stuff is
Super Power: ability to sneeze
Rock Steady: mobbin'. still
Prison, Death, or Servitude: both
Fave Primate: bongo

Timmy this is danny from happyrobot. i just voted on yer lil' poll and saw that the answer was "GRAVY". i find that pretty dang funny because my pals just finished a dope and somewhat fly webpage all about gravy http://gravyboat.homepage.com/ i thought if you liked gravy, you'd love this. they are really smart and clever, but pardon their lack of design in terms of color. they are new to this web thing. hope all is well. stay free or something.

mos burger - 01/19/00 17:45:11
My URL:www.ain'tgotone.com
My Email:upyours.com
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): Bones
Current Location: closer than you would like mos buger to be
Super Power: flip a patty in a milli-mos
Rock Steady: whip the mos' ass
Prison, Death, or Servitude: is there a difference?
Fave Primate: the gibbon

Mos burger knows all. Listen to mos burger. Love mos burger. Mos burger.

Slappy Bottoms - 01/06/00 22:35:25
My URL:http://crackerhead5000.tripod.com
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): Bob Pollard
Current Location: Hellbent on disaster
Super Power: Smiling Death of Death
Rock Steady: Pants on
Prison, Death, or Servitude: Geocities
Fave Primate: Um, Bongo, too

Crackerhead! crackerhead! Crackerhead!

Fun Times Bear - 01/06/00 22:26:43
My URL:http://www.monkeysrobots.com
My Email:bear@monkeysrobots.com
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): Danny Chambers
Current Location: Fun Times Forest
Super Power: Beer Drink Speedy
Fave Primate: The Robot

Roz from "Frasier" is sexy.

Danny Chambers - 01/06/00 21:28:59
My URL:http://www.happyrobot.net
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): Robot Monkeys
Current Location: NYC
Super Power: Rock Hard Buns
Rock Steady: Mobbin
Prison, Death, or Servitude: Robin Williams
Fave Primate: Bongo! Bongo!

um. robot. HOt DOG.

John Hulse - 12/25/99 20:56:00
My Email:jhulse@iquest.net
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): Al Gore
Current Location: Indiana
Fave Primate: anything with breasts

Great web page... Just wanted to take a second and say hello and introduce myself. My name is a John. I am a writer by trade and have been published all over the world. I am in Indiana visiting family and friends while I finish my next book. If you would like to chat sometime please feel free to drop me a line. Best to you, John Hopeful Romantic He used to put fresh pillowcases on a large bible inside his closet hoping that when he used them heaven would bless his dreams. My new book of poetry "From the Beats to the B Sides" will be published by Allisone Press in late January. Please check it out if you can. www.allisonepress.com

Lisa - 12/22/99 03:29:59
My URL:http://www.puttandlisa.com
My Email:putt&lisa@hotmail.com
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): Al Gore
Current Location: LA
Super Power: I am double-jointed
Rock Steady: Yes?
Prison, Death, or Servitude: Servitude
Fave Primate: Lemur

Not sure what this page is all about, but I'm liking your style. I think I'll set my browser to open to your site daily.

Tobias "Tobe" Hall - 12/15/99 16:30:05
My Email:thall@careen.org
Fave Robot (Robin Williams is technically a jackass): Judy Kellner, PhD
Current Location: North Atlantic
Super Power: Wicked Good Lackey
Rock Steady: I'm dumb, but is that really a question?
Prison, Death, or Servitude: Servitude (see "Super Power")
Fave Primate: Archbishop of Canterbury

My cataracts are ready! How's that mark of the beast coming?

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