Master File
Your Guide to Synth-Rage
Well, so here it is. Many of you were no doubt unsatisfied
finding out that JOE TORRE was really the
only person on the robot list. Please be assured that this is
not because he is the only noun on Earth we loathe. Torre
just happens to be the only one who directly cheesed us off as
robots, per se. Other nouns, the hard or soft determiners of which
follow, have a more general vileness that it just happens to
be our lot to "take care of." We have recently unencrypted a
telex from HQ delimiting the preliminary objectives for robogeddon
day one. Here, reproduced in lies and slander, is that file. We
may get periodic updates.
- Churches
- Banks
- Highways
- Weather-as-News
- When my little sister ganks my eggo brand breakfast waffle
- Artistic Rubber Stamps
- Novelty T-Shirts
- Public Outrage and Shock
- GM
- Teachers who act like they don't remember what it was like to be a screwed-up screw-up kid
- Reagan
- People who laughed at Rico Suave but love Ricky Martin
- Rico Suave
- That concert scene in "Play Misty for Me"
- Pepsico
- Cops who act like they don't remember what it was like to be a goofy kid whacked out on paint fumes and angel dust and in a harvester driving down highway six shooting at the Amish
- People who write "pomo" in fonts that make it look like "porno" (this means you, Village Voice)
- All others who write "pomo"
- Miracle earthquake survivors
- Hippies, Yuppies, Preppies, Hipsters, Scenesters, Beatniks, Young People, the Kids, Boomers, Busters, Slackers, Foreigners, Skin Heads, Religious Types Mostly, Septic Yanks, Geeks, Nerds, Jocks, Feebs, Dweebs, and Frat Boys. Basically anyone who isn't a robot or an avowed, certified, sanctified, bona fide and tan my hidey robot booster.
- Everything you hate, and you, too
- Analytic Philosophers (especially Kantians, Logicians, and my little sister)
- Buddhists
- Judgmental People
- Europe
Check out these exciting links!
NEW!!! See pix of the 'bots and their pals!
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Do you like to eat? Who doesn't!? But do you really understand what you are getting into?
"A past, immeasurable and glorious, is the finest judge of man and 'bot alike"-William Tecumseh Shakespeare
What are you?
Stop these damned robots!
So much anger, where is the beauty?
God these things are creepy
Dustin, no!!!!
Cursed flying menace
How we made our fortune
Report discrepancies
We just want to help you help yourselves, Earth scum!
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Entities forewarned of the coming hellstorm since 26 August 1999.
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